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Light the Fire Design with Window Broom
Light the Fire
85 x 63.5 cm
oil on canvas
Private Collection
of Artist

Design with Window
66 x 66cm
oil on canvas

The Broom
55 x 45 cm
oil on canvas

Light by Dark West Joseph's Window Canaletto's Window
Light by Dark West
45 x 45cm
oil on canvas
Private Collection
of Artist 

Joseph's Window
50.5 x 40 cm
oil on canvas

Canaletto's Window 
65.5 x 61 cm
oil on canvas

Essay on Light Piano with Shadows Tree
Essay on Light
90 x 60.5cm
oil on board

Piano with Shadows
45 x 60cm
oil on canvas board

The Tree
85 x 63.5cm
oil on canvas

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