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Opening Gate of Hell Bar Shadow
122 x 95 cm
acrylic on panel

Gate of Hell
98 x 89 cm
acrylic on panel

Bar Shadow
98 x 89 cm
acrylic on board

Bars Solitude Cell
149 x 115 cm
acrylic on panel
149 x 115 cm
acrylic on panel

98 x 89 cm
acrylic on panel

123 x 107 cm
acrylic on panel

Morning Bastille Prison Hallway
124 x 90 cm
acrylic on panel
122 x 61 cm
acrylic on canvas

Prison Hallway 
122.5 x 70 cm
acrylic on panel

Prisoner's Dream Prison Corridor
Prisoner's Dream
114 x 91 cm
acrylic on panel
Prison Corridor 
110.5 x 109.5 cm
acrylic on panel

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