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Art Gallery of Linda K. Christensen

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"Monarch Memories" Watercolor

This watercolor speaks to the impact of genetic engineering on our butterflies.

"Quest" Watercolor

"On The Edge" Watercolor on Clayboard 20x16

This painting was inspired by a story I heard on the radio about an indiginous tribe who was going to commit mass suicide because a corporation was trying to take their last sacred land. I never heard the rest of the story and for years now, i have thought of the plight of these people, wondering if they are still alive. This painting haunted me. I feel a deep connection to these people. To me, the corporation is but a piece of paper.

I have just watched the movie "Whale Dreamers" and i was amazed to hear the end of this story. The U'wa people from Columbia believe that taking oil is like taking the blood of Mother Earth. They stood up to Occidental Oil and they prevailed. I recommend this movie to everyone. It is our future. It is important.