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Artist Way Gallery of Linda K. Christensen

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You are now at the "Artist's Way Gallery" of Linda K. Christensen. Years ago now, a local group of artists met once a week to work on the Artist's Way book. We have done several books now together. We were awarded a group artist residency at a remote forest service cabin in the Helena National Forest. We chose a cabin near Lincoln, Montana for our week long stay without running water or electricity. We have exhibited artwork together many times now, the most memorable being the "Travelling Pork Show" at the Knead Cafe. While working on the artist way book, we each gave serious thought as to where we would like to be as artists. This art is a page out of my life as an artist...

"Lincoln Residency" Acrylic by Linda K. Christensen.

"Nature Interrupted" Oil on Canvas 18x24

The Artists Way Group from the Flathead Valley. These artists have just been awarded an artist residency in the Helena National Forest for a week in summer 2001. Pictured are: Paula Alley, Kerry Harp, Tom Herzog, Betsey Hurd, Tom Semple, Linda Christensen and Kathy McEnery.