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Dedicated to Jack Abraham, my grandfather, born on April 1st.

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One day Little Crow was sitting on a tree when Jack Rabbit came hopping, hopping, hopping by. Little Crow was called Little Crow 'cuz he was little and he was a crow. Jack Rabbit was a rabbit with long floppy ears and he was a wise old rabbit.
Little Crow said to Jack Rabbit, "Hey, where are you going?"
Jack Rabbit said, "I'm going to the sundance. Would you like to go with me?"
Little Crow replied, "Oh no! I heard about the sundance. It's about philosophy and religion."
Jack Rabbit said, "No, no!! The sundance is about a way of life".
Little Crow said, "Okay!"

And he jumped down from the tree and together they started going to the sundance. Little Crow was walking, walking, and Jack Rabbit was hopping, hopping.

Before Little Crow and Jack Rabbit go to the sundance, they must go into a sweatlodge. Now, a sweatlodge is a little house shaped like an igloo or a turtle. The animals and birds go inside and sit on Mother Earth next to the people. There is a great fire with many stones in it. The fire is really big, as big as a house, so the stones can get hot. Someone brings the stones inside the sweatlodge . He or she is called a fire person and it is a hard job 'cuz the fire is hot!!

The fire person brings in one stone, two, three, four, and more and more hot stones. The door is closed and it is dark inside. Little Crow can't see a thing.

A holy man or medicine man pours water on the stones. The stones make a sound, "Hissss!!" More water goes on the rocks, "Hissss, hiss, hiss...!"

Little Crow screams, "Aaaah!! It is hot in here! Aaaah!" The door opens and Little Crow is happy to go outside. Jack Rabbit says: "Oh oh! I forgot to tell you something.You have to do this four times!" (And Jack Rabbit holds his four front toes up).

Little Crow survives and he and Jack Rabbit go to join all the animals and birds and people at the sundance.

On their way they meet Mr. Badger who gives Little Crow some mocassins to dance in. Then they meet the holy Mr. Otter, who gives Little Crow an eagle bone whistle, which comes from the bone wing of an eagle. These are necessary for the sundance.

All the animals and birds and people are ready for the big dance. The dance begins at sunrise.

The singers are singing. The drummers are drumming.

"Ho! Pita Wamblii!!"(4X)
"Ho! Pita Wamblii!!"(4X)
"Ho! Pita Wamblii!!"(whisper4X)
"Ho! Pita Wamblii!!"(loud)

Little Crow wakes up and says, "What's happening? It is early! The sun is only now coming up."
Jack Rabbit says, "Now why do you think they call this a sundance?"

All day everyone dances. From sun up to sun down. Then Little Crow sleeps.

The second day and again the singers are singing. The drummers are drumming: "Ho! Pita Wamblii!!" The dancers are dancing.

Little Crow says, "I'm hungry!".
Jack Rabbit says, "Oh oh! I forgot to tell you something.No food for four days and nights."
Little Crow is thirsty so he asks, "Can I have some water?"
Jack Rabbit says, "Oh oh! I forgot to tell you something. No water for four days."
Little Crow says, " Now, you know why I don't believe in religion or philosophy."
"No, no! it is a way of life!" replies Jack Rabbit.

The second day goes by with all the singers singing and the drummers drumming. Little Crow goes to sleep.

The third day the singers are singing and the drummers are drumming. The dancers are dancing. Then everyone sleeps.

It is the fourth day. It is an important day. It is the day Jack Rabbit will tell all why there is a sundance. First before he speaks the animals and birds and people make a sacrifice of courage. Little Crow is afraid but he shows great courage and finishes the sundance.

Jack Rabbit speaks.

"My friends. There was a time long ago when all the animals , and birds and people all lived together and talked to each other. Now, that time is going away. It is sad. That is why we continue to do the sundance together. So, we will not lose this gift of talking and living together."

Little Crow is so happy! He's jumping and spinning around in circles, he is so excited and yelling to all,"Now I can talk to people, now I can talk to people!"
Jack Rabbit says, " Oh oh! I forgot to tell you something. You have to sundance four times once a year."

Do you think Little Crow comes back next year to sundance?

Yes! 'Cuz he has good singers and good drummers!

"Ho! Pita Wamblii!!"

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Ed.note:"Artistic liberty has been taken with the song"

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