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Death's Reborn Revolution

Death's Reborn Revolution

As the rivers run red,
I am become Death – Destroyer of Worlds.
I am endeared to no one.
I have no friends.
I am welcomed by none.
All tremble and quake as I pass.
No one dares look me in the eye.
With one grasp,
I can reach into your core and pull out your soul.
You are mine to toy with as I please,
And you’d better believe I’m going to mess you up.
My loyalties run deep where I make them.
May the gods help you if you get on my bad side.
I shred the insolent with a mere glance,
And the unbelievers with a word.
If you see me, you’d better run.
I’ll take you out five times before you hit the ground.
Just try me.
I am Death’s Reborn Revolution.

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