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"Verses out of rythym, couplets out of rhyme, in syncopated time."

Death's Reborn Revolution - This is something I wrote when I was having a phenominally bad day. I'm generally not an angry person, but I've got a bad temper and a vivid imagination. This poem was published in the national poetry anthology The Shining Light.

Deeper Look - I was waiting for a friend when I wrote this (and coincidentally got stood up....).

Definition - I wrote this piece on the brown line train on my way to class.

Firefly - This was a Creative Writing assignment wherein we were supposed to write in the existentialist style. Very depressing stuff.

Frantic Pace - This was inspired by a bad day at work and an odd-looking reflection on a can of Coke. I was the only person in the room, but there was a very strange, twisted reflection off-center on the can. I'm not sure what it was, but I got this out of the situation.

Glimmer of the Steel Rose - I don't really think there's an explanation for this one. I wrote it during a very slow day at work, and after my hands and forearms had been shredded by five million papercuts.

Invisible - I very often feel insignificant in my own life, and poems like this are the result of it.

Midnight Poetry - I was feeling very lonely and isolated when I wrote this. And if you can't tell from the poem, I started writing this at midnight.

Oliver Bernhard - This was an assignment from my Creative Writing class in high school. We were given a first name and a year of death, and then had to write a "tombstone poem", which is basically a style of poem that might be written on someone's headstone. Oliver died in 1972.

Short Poems - These are a collection of short poems that weren't long enough for me to justify giving them individual pages.

Standard Issues - This is the result of being told that my depression was something that "all teenagers go through", and despite the fact that I had been dealing with it for a few years, my doctor did not consider it a real problem.

Untitled #5 - I'm really not sure what to say about this one, which is probably why it doesn't have a title....

Void - This is a poem that deals with a very rough part of my life. To get a better understanding of what was going on, read the Memories essay over in the Stories section.


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Stories \ Poetry