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I am an insignificant firefly in an already overlit room.
My time here means nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Take a look at the nearest Tree –
It has seen the rise and fall of empires –
Attested to the births and deaths of many individuals.
Look for a Mountain –
It has surely forgotten more than I have ever known,
Probably more than I ever will know.
And what of the Earth itself?
It has known more caresses than a harem wife.
It has met more people than I can even imagine.
How, then, do I compare to these giants?
A spark jumping from a candle is what I am to them.
Born in an instant and gone just as quickly.
I’m probably little more than a nuisance to them.
I have done nothing of great importance.
I will not be remembered past my family.
I am insignificant.
I have no point.
I have no purpose.
I do not deserve to exist.
My essence is barren.
In the end, the Earth will never even know that I, too, was here.
The Mountains will forget me.
The Trees will have seen my death and decay.
And none of them will care about the insignificant firefly that flew from humanity’s wick.

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