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Midnight Poetry

Midnight Poetry

It’s 6 past Midnight
And I can’t close my eyes
I can’t want to stop
It’s not what I want to feel

So I write my midnight poetry
And go back in the hallways
Of my mind

It’s 9 past Midnight
And I’m tempted to leave
To forget everywhere I’ve been
And everyone I’ve known
If only to get one second of bliss.

So I write my midnight poetry
And hope the night will last
Even as it diminishes

It’s 11 past Midnight
And I feel like I should cry
I feel like I should breakdown
But nothing would stop it
Except the strong arms I’ve come to depend on

So I write my midnight poetry
And swallow my emotions
To temper them into words

It’s 13 past Midnight
And I start to feel drained
I want my Life
And my Love
Before I have to close the day

But instead I write my midnight poetry
And put the cap back on my pen
And on one more day

It’s 16 past Midnight
I dream my midnight poetry

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