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Standard Issues

Standard Issues

I think I’m losing my mind
I’m overworked, underpaid, and under-appreciated.
All anyone ever wants from me is more than I can give.
Maybe they’re expecting me to give up and become a mindless drone.
Maybe all they were ever looking for was control.
Heaven forbid that I shouldn’t be their clone;
Succeeding where they failed. I
don’t want their dreams or their lives.
I need to define myself.
Sometimes I ask the Goddess if it was supposed to be like this,
But all she ever tells me is that everything happens for a reason-
Just wait out this storm and learn what you can.
Maybe I’ll grow wiser from the experience.
Maybe I’ll grow bitter.
I know other people see me as imperfect.
I don’t really care about that, though.
Everyone tells me I’ve got “standard issues”
And “everyone goes through this.”
Maybe if I could actually tell these people the extent and depth of my emotions
They’d understand that this is more than a typical chemical imbalance.
What do they know, anyway?
These are the “perfect people” telling me what’s wrong with my life.
I’m tired of them.
I’m tired of all the bullshit.
I’m tired of my standard issues,
And I’m tired of my standard life.

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