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Untitled #5

Untitled #5

Scars of carelessness
Line my form,
A form of misery
in absolute agony.
The critical nature
Of unscrupulous creatures
Creates the despair of my being.
Abject depression
Reclaims my soul,
Once again,
For the moment,
An ever-present longing
Resurfaces in a new shape.
I should have gone,
I felt the need and yet denied it,
Welcoming the withdrawl in place
Of other sentiments.
Who would have thought that
They would have combined to make me worse?
The dishonesty to myself amazes me
So much that I don’t even know myself
Anymore than a rock knows a touch.
And therein lies the rub –
I don’t even know myself.
How can I even try to know others
When I can’t see
Past the haze in my brain?

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