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The links page is split into four parts: Spirit & WIll Eisner sites (this page); Interviews with Will Eisner; Publishers; Other Resources.

Spirit & Will Eisner sites

Official Sites

Will - Under construction at the moment, this site will look at all of Will Eisner's work over the years.

Denis Kitchen is Will Eisner's agent and his site now has original art from The Spirit.

Will Eisner Discussion Group - Get on the mailing list for the Will Eisner Discussion Group, which Will himself is a member of.


Fan sites, articles and biographies

The Annotated Dreamer - Jerry Stratton has created a very comprehensive look at one of Eisner's works.

Blackhawk Comics Home Page - An excellent site devoted to the Blackhawks (which Eisner co-created)

Brian Wilson's Online Gallery has several pages on The Spirit - Spirit Commissioned illustrations; Spirit Sketches; and Spirit published illustrations.

Don Markstein's Cartoonopedia page on The Spirit.

An article from The Collecting Channel: Will Eisner: The Spirit is Strong -

Comic Art & Graffix Artist Biographies - Will Eisner - A concise look at Will Eisner.

The Comic Characters Database - This page is on The Spirit series.

Comics Carousel - This column by R C Harvey is on The Spirit: The New Adventures series.

Comics Grand Master Is Unrecognized - A New York Times article on Will Eisner.

Dragon*Con's Biography of Will Eisner.

Hard-Boiled Mysteries: American Hard-Boiled Comics - This page is on The Spirit.

International Museum of Cartoon Art Gallery - The page listing for Will Eisner.

Jaap van Deijk 's Wil Eisner & Spirit Page - Some excellent Spirit and Will Eisner art on this site.

Maestrosdelcomic is a Spanish site which has pages on both Will Eisner and The Spirit.

Oddball Comics has a page on Eisner's A Medal for Bowser (seeing is believing!).

Sheena: Queen of the Jungle - A good site devoted to another character which Eisner co-created.

Spirit info - A page looking at Will Eisner & The Spirit.

The Spirit - A page from Finland on The Spirit, some nice illustrations here.

The Spirit - A collection of Warren Spirit covers on this Italian page..

The Spirit by Will Eisner - A page listing Spirit appearances.

Tributes to Will Eisner - This is from the Meanwhile site.

Article from USA Today: Spirit Moves DC to reprint comic book noir -

Will Eisner - a biography from the Dutch site.

Will Eisner's hp - A page looking at some of Will's major comics works, part of the Comic Book Homepage.


Submissions for links are always welcome. The following applies though:
  • sites featuring Will Eisner, The Spirit will usually be added
  • sites on Golden Age comics will be considered
  • sites generally on comic books or comic strips will only be added if there is a reciprocal link back to this site

If you are still interested, please email your link.