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The links page is split into four parts: Spirit & WIll Eisner sites ; Interviews with Will Eisner ; Publishers ; Other Resources (this page).

Other Resources

The Chaloner Studio - Gary Chaloner's page, which presents some of his excellent artwork, including the unpublished tale for The Spirit: The New Adventures #9.

Cinemarquee Superheroes page - A very comprehensive list of comic related links.

the cliff page - This interesting site has sketches by artists which have a cliff or cliffs in them! For Eisner's sketch, click here.

Comics Fun - Some great links and interesting essays on comics on this site.

The Golden Age of Superheroes - A site on the superheroes of World War II, concentrating on Timely/Marvel's range of characters presently.

Literary works by comics artists gallery - This fascinating site has sketches by comics artists of scenes from literary works. For Eisner's sketch, click here.

Mikel's Golden Age Comics Directory - This has links to many other Golden & Silver Age comics sites as well as a comprehensive bibliography. The author also has several other excellent Golden Age comics sites.

Official R.C. Harvey Homepage - This is the site for R.C. Harvey, which includes his column "Rants & Raves" as well as being able to get autographed copies of his books.

Will Eisner Comic Industry Award Winners Summary - A site listing winners of the comics awards, part of Aardy's Comics Page.

Yahoo Golden Age comics club - where many online fans of Golden Age comics send messages and has an extensive collection of links to other sites.


Cover scans

Fiction House Comics - Loads of scans of Jungle and Jumbo Comics covers available here, many of which feature Sheena.

The Quality Comics Cover Gallery - a collection of covers from the publishers of The Spirit comic book.


Reprints of Golden Age material

Golden Age Greats - Some obscure Golden heroes have their adventures reprinted here.

Pure Excitement Comics - an excellent collection of Golden & Silver Age reprints


Submissions for links are always welcome. The following applies though:
  • sites featuring Will Eisner, The Spirit will usually be added
  • sites on Golden Age comics will be considered
  • sites generally on comic books or comic strips will only be added if there is a reciprocal link back to this site

If you are still interested, please email your link.