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The links page is split into four parts: Spirit & WIll Eisner sites ; Interviews with Will Eisner (this page); Publishers; Other Resources.

Interviews with Will Eisner

These are arranged alphabetically by name of site:

Comic Book Artist interview with Will Eisner about his work with Warren magazines. Includes lots of other fascinating snippets of information as well!

Dark Horse Comics - An interview with Will Eisner about Last Day in Vietnam.

Fandom's interview, Eisner Talks Shop is about the Shop Talk collection.

Grayhaven Magazine has an interview with Will Eisner about his current projects.

Jack Kirby Collector: Will Eisner Discusses Jack Kirby - An interview about Jack's days with the Eisner-Iger studio.

Mark Evanier's site reprints two of his POV columns on Blackhawk with Eisner and Chuck Cudiera. The first part is here, the second here.

Meanwhile Interviews Will Eisner an interview from the Meanwhile site.

Newsarama - Eisner Looks at War - An interview with Will Eisner about Last Day in Vietnam and other works.

Onion AV Club Will Eisner Interview an interview about Will's latest work and The Spirit Archives.

The Pop Art Times :The Spirit Commands You - An interview about Will's work as a teacher.

Richmond Comix interview with Will Eisner from May 1998.

Seriejournalen : Images are Words an interview from May 1996.

WizardWorld.Com has presented an interview with Will Eisner in several parts. The first part, called Building on the Shoulders of Giants - 5 Minutes with Will Eisner on the State of the Marketplace. The second part is An Indomitable Spirit - 5 Minutes with Will Eisner on The Spirit. The third part is called Fanfare for the Common Man - 5 Minutes with Will Eisner on Minor Miracles; the fourth part is In Pursuit of Excellence - 5 Minutes with Will Eisner on His Great Tales Adaptations; the fifth part is called Soldiers' Stories - 5 Minutes with Will Eisner Last Day in Vietnam.

Yahoo clubs - The Quality Comics Corner - a club dedicated to the characters and creators of Quality Comics.


Submissions for links are always welcome. The following applies though:
  • sites featuring Will Eisner, The Spirit will usually be added
  • sites on Golden Age comics will be considered
  • sites generally on comic books or comic strips will only be added if there is a reciprocal link back to this site

If you are still interested, please email your link.