The FINfool's section
Making fun of the bad luck (13):

YEAH! WHY do these guys ALWAYS show up?!?


Uhm..yeah. Cool. Not. ;)

You tell them, Xena! *heheheh*

No fooling the bard, Xe! She knows! *LOL*

And here we thought FIN had nothing original! *VEG*

Logic, they say it's called. ;)
OMG! It's a thirteenth page!!! I must be mad! Anyway; this page holds six of my unreleased FINfools. Why unreleased? I didn't think they were nice to the crew and that the grab with the body was over the top. But still...they HAVE to be able to take some critisism! Or else they wouldn't be in the showbiz. I hope you got a few laughs on the way! I still say that xenites rock!:)
More FINfool pics might be coming in the future.
Be sure to check out the other joke pics! ;)