The FINfool's section
Making fun of the 16:

Xena; -The ever so honest warrior.


So THAT'S who that "kidnapper" guy was!!!

Goooo, Yodoshi!!! *VEG*

*V, V, VEG*
*looks VERY innocent*

*no comments*


Yeah. How can you tell which side it is???

Aaaaaaaaaaah! The sixteenth page! RUUUUuuuuuuuuuuN!!! *heheheh* Ok, this is turning into an addiction. I'm hunting for more screengrabs on the net, hopefully I'll find some. Maybe this is the last page and maybe not. I've been saying that for about...ehr... five, six, seven (?) pages now. We'll see. I KNOW that Fin extended version was shown today (nov. 3rd) but that doesn't change the fact that Akemi is a pain in the *** and that the story still is pretty lame n a ripoff. Watch some Hong Kong and Chinese action videos, and there you have it. So I'll continue to make these pics.
More FINfool pics might be coming in the future.
Be sure to check out the other joke pics! ;)