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As you enter the gates of the Sanq Kingdom, you see a beautiful castle straight ahead.  You then remember the Famous Gallery it mentions in the Tourist Guide, and decide to head over there to take a look.  As you enter the market place you see a story-teller, sitting off to the side.  You hear him mention something about the courageous pilots that risked they're live to fight for what they believe in.  You keep walking, until you come upon, the castle.  You happen to look off to the side and see an odd mechanism, then you realize that's the famous Gundam called Wing Zero.  You then enter the gates and you see the Gundam Pilots all standing in an area.
You then begin to guess who is who.  The one on the right is Heero Yuy the perfect soldier.  The one next to him is Duo Maxwell because of his long braid, it's easy to tell.  Then the one that's standing next to him is Trowa Barton, the one who joined the circus, and is quiet.  Then the second from the left is Quatra Robabra-Winner, you can tell this because he looks to nice to fight, and his blonde hair.  Then on the left, with his arms folded, you guess that's Chang Wufei, the silent but spoken minded one.
You then see Relena Peacecraft behind them sitting in a big royal chair.

The World of Anime | Gundam Wing | Outlaw Star | Digimon | Sailor Moon | Dragon Ball Z

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