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Portraits by

Deborah McCracken Mills

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I’ve had the good fortune to live in many parts of the US. I was born in Winston-Salem, NC and moved with my family to Willoughby, Ohio when I was 11. I sold paintings in high school but felt like a true professional when I was 19 and sold a painting in my first show. I lived in the suburbs of Cleveland until I moved with my husband to San Antonio, TX in my early twenties. I painted portraits on the riverwalk with my mentor and good friend Milton Rowcroft. In my early thirties I lived in and around Williamsburg, VA where I began winning prizes in juried shows. Since 1989 I have lived in the beautiful Napa Valley.

The artist Paul Klee was a meticulous cataloguer of his work. I deeply regret that I haven't followed his example and kept better track of my paintings. If you have one of my paintings I would love to hear from you!