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Mentoring Article

d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - March, 2000 
Overhead Presentation Slides
Mentoring OH#1

    A mentor serves as a role model, coach, and confidante, offering knowledge, insight, perspective, or wisdom useful to the mentee.

Mentoring OH#2

    Benefits for New Members

    • Learn the program

    • Learn Club standards/customs

    • Develop confidence

    • Participate more

    • Quickly learn speaking skills

Mentoring OH #3

    A mentoring program helps experienced members 

    • Further refine skills

    • Learn new skills

Mentoring OH #4

    Benefits for Mentors


    • Learn from mentees

    • Remain productive

    • Do something for others

    • Receive recognition

Mentoring OH #5

    Benefits for Clubs

    Clubs with mentor programs…

    • Have more members

    • Have more satisfied members

    • Retain more members

Mentoring OH #6a and 6b

    Qualities of Mentors

    • Available

    • Patient

    • Sensitive

    • Respectful

    • Flexible

    • Supportive of Club

    • Knowledgeable

    • Confident

    • Good listener

    • Concerned about others

Mentoring OH #7

    Initially mentors should

    • Sit with new members

    • Orient them to customs/procedures

    • Explain how to sign up

    • Help with the Ice Breaker

Mentoring OH #8

    Next, mentors should

    • Make members aware of resources

    • Provide positive feedback

    • Explain responsibilities

    • Help with speeches/assignments

Mentoring OH #9

    Later, mentors should

    • Tell how you’ve benefited

    • Invite them to other events

    • Acknowledge their progress

    • Explain officers’ duties

    • Explain speech contests

    • Describe the TI organization

Mentoring OH #10

    Qualities of Mentees

    • Eager to learn

    • Receptive

    • Open to new ideas

    • Loyal

    • Grateful

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Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM - District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
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