d3tm e-news
Leadership in Action - March 15, 2000 

Dignity House Program
Developing Individual Growth and New Independence through Yourself

    The DIGNITY House Program was created to give an array of supportive services to women involved in prostitution so they can move beyond this dangerous "dead end" lifstyle.

    It was started in the Durango Jail in 1989, the dream of a woman frustrated with the lack of resources and support for women who wre motivated to leave prostitution.

    DIGNITY House became a program of Catholic Social Service of Phoenix in 1994, and continues to offer weekly jail support groups, ongoing life skills classes, a quarterly educational newsletter, a "hot line" for women seeking resources, and individual counseling. A small transitional residential program was established in 1997, designed to give the physcal and psychological distance necessary for women to make permanent changes.

    DIGNITY House is a growing and innovative approach to the complex issues surrounding prostitution. With goals of educating the community as well as the clients we serve, we believe the DIGNITY programs are making a difference. . . one woman at a time.

    Catholic Social Services of Phoenix.1825 W. Northern Ave.(602) 997-6105

    Kathleen Mitchell, Founder

Catholic Social

Prepared by Glenn Pike, DTM. District 3 Public Relations Committee, Hal Key, DTM, PRO Chairman. © 2000, District 3, Toastmasters International
Newsletter/Internet advisory group: Steve Broe, DTM, George Self, ATM-B/CL, Richard Moore, ATM.

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