I've never said it here before, but I believe any of these internet auction sites rely on the complete honesty of all participants. And that just ain't gonna happen in this world. Spencer F. Katt, reveals in the February 5th, 2001 issue of eWeek how one dolt got screwed. He won out over 38 other bidders with his bid of $425, for what was advertised as "PlayStation 2® Original Box and Receipt." Of course, later, after parting with his four and a quarter hundred dollars, he was amazed and disappointed as he unwrapped what UPS delivered: an empty PlayStation 2® Box and Receipt! May 25th, 2001: Sarah-Jessica buys Shoes So We Can Foot the Bill ! Sarah Jessica Parker-Broderick was last mentioned in this column way back in December. During the winter of 2000, the incredibly vivacious Ms. Parker was quoted, by Lloyd Grove as being ". . . very, very concerned about the Bush Presidency." And worried about benefit cuts George W ". . . might make in domestic programs that mean something to a lot of people, including people in my family." The other day, this time to Oprah, Sarah-Jessica revealed another concern of hers: that she's addicted to Manolo Blahnik shoes. Revealing to the weeping prophet that, "I own well over 100 pairs . . ." Your Mr. Wonderful, being the armchair detective he is, did a quick search on 'Manolo Blahnik' shoes, easily unearthing a web retailer carrying that particular brand of shoe, which averages $619 per pair! $619 per pair, meaning that just a portion of SJP's shoe corral could be worth as much as $60,000! She's has acquired $60,000 worth of shoes (that no red-blooded man would ever notice) but yet she is concerned about cuts George W might make in programs that affect, ". . . people in my family." This exposes how the minds of these multi-millionaire liberals work. Rather than they themselves helping out their own relatives, they would rather have the slobs struggling to even earn $60,000 or less, foot the bill, through their taxes, to keep Sarah Jessica Parker's family members on the government dole. When will we have enough of this happy horseshit? When will these millionaire liberals be outed for the unbelievably selfish citizens they are? May 21st, 2001: BANANA Causes California Blackouts ! Finally, your Mr.Wonderful has located an article which, in only a few simple points, fully explains the dire California electrical power situation. However, as the authors, Taylor and Van Doren elucidate, due to the fact no power plants have been constructed in the Golden State ("Build-Absolutely-Nothing-Anywhere-Near-Anyone" syndrome) while demand has continued to increase, and that the price of natural gas generated electricity has increased by over 600%, and that out of state hydro-generated power has dwindled to 60% of expected capacity, with or without 'deregulation', rolling blackouts would still be occurring.
How effing tired am I hearing of the pleas from former Arizona Governor (and inspiration for the Marge Simpson beehive) Rose Mofford, current governor 'Big Red', and some NBA millionaire basketball player whine about the dwindling Arizona State University scholarship fund! Geezus! You'd think that attending A.S.U., and attending it for free, is the end all and do all for education. The fact is that the A.S.U. student body consistently causes the Tempe university, decade after decade, to rank in the top ten of Playboy's Party Schools in the Nation. Last time I checked 'partying' is not conducive to 'studying' and 'learning.' It's sad enough that Mr.Wonderful's manny (male nanny) when he attended class at A.S.U., faced one tenured professor who wafted smoke over every pupil using an eagle's feather while reverentially whispering Native American prayers! And, what about that millionaire NBA basketball player? Was it academics that made him a millionaire? Hell no! He probably attended ASU for free (on scholarship) and had four years to perfect his b-ball game while having a passing GPA assured by a curriculum consisting of classes in 'The History of the Tennis Shoe', 'Self Esteem for Future Millionaires' and 'Why Blacks can't make it in a Racist America'. Economics dictates that if there is an increase in demand for a product that that product's price will also increase. In this case we have ignorant and sometimes clearly self-interested individuals who are pleading for funding for scholarships which can only further increase the price of education for all of those without scholarships. The reason tuition for higher education is currently so astronomically high, is that the federal government has for years provided billions of dollars (composed of taxes taken from you and me) in scholarship money to anyone who could place his 'X' on the signature line. Scholarship money that for the most part is never paid back. Managers of these higher learning institutions, facing the continuing and growing tidal wave of billions of dollars, washing over their campuses, would be poor managers indeed if they did not continue to increase tuition to meet the demand. |