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David Reilly, a man who directly inspired the sound and direction of Swell.Chemistry, died yesterday. The vocalist and writer for the music of God Lives Underwater will be missed by us, as he was an inspiration in creating the most scenic and experimental music. I drink my bottle to him now, and wish him the best of luck, as he surely is drinking along side me in spirit.



Native Veterans gathered in the Monument Valley desert to aid in the filming of a music video dedicated to the AIVMO. Asdza Shash was there with her crew, documenting and lending her help in the process. Rumour has it that S.C. will have their own variation of a music video tribute to the war heroes, but much of my efforts have been to completing this hurdle of an album. And due to this recording process, I missed out on the Heroes for Ghosts/Rising Conviction show saturday, so I hope those of you interested in finding new bands to check out, attend their shows as well.

We also heard of a friend's relative passing recently, so to our dear friend Delvin of EDG, our thoughts are with you.


Asta la Wego Mr. Yazza, good luck on your journey into the Kansas Abyss, fellow Chemists should know S.C. is sleeping while they finish the new album and await the glorious return of a more political Wizhie.

We would also like to thank Mankind Is Obsolete for the kudos in their album for support.

The Swell Chemistry sponsored chatroom is up and running, feel free to visit the Colloquium

Lastly, Swell Chemistry is featured in a PSA movie entitled "Rez Hope" which premiered in Gallup on July 29th. The acoustic version of "The One And Only" was used in the film.