The Prophecies of Nostradamus

Century I

Mars nous menace par la force belique,
Septante fois fera le sang respandre,
Auge & ruine de l'Ecclesiastique,
Et par ceux qui d'eux rien ne vousdront entendre.

Mars threatens us with a warlike force,
Seventy times he shall cause blood to be shed,
Causing the ruin of the Clergy,
And those who will hear nothing from them.

The Damoclean Sword of War shall hang over Humanity for a period of Seventy Great Wars, eventually causing a debacle among the heedless mortals as well as the Church.

Faux a l'Estang, joint vers la Sagittaire,
En son haut auge de l'exaltation,
Peste, Famine, Mort de main militaire,
Le Siecle approsher de renovation.

When a fish pond that was a meadow shall be mowed,
Sagittarius being in the ascendant,
Plague, Famine, Death by the military hand,
The Century approaches renewal.

In 1999, as the old century is about to expire, between November 23rd and December 21st, the climactic War of Wars shall be unleashed.

Par quarante ans l'Iris n'apparoistra,
Par quarante ans tous les jours sera veu,
La Terre aride en siccite croistra,
Et grand deluge quand sera apparceu.

For forty years the rainbow shall not appear,
For forty years it shall be seen every day,
The parched earth shall wax drier and drier,
And a great flood when it shall appear.

A continuation of the preceding stanza- the prediction depicts conditions during the Armageddon and forecasts the wasteland produced by nuclear warfare and ultimate destruction.

Profonde argile blanche nourrit rocher,
Qui d'un abysme istra l'acticineuse,
En vain troublez ne l'seront toucher,
Ignorant estre au fond terre argileuse.

A deep white clay a rock supports,
Which shall break out of the deep like milk,
In vain people shall be troubled, not daring to touch it,
Being ignorant that in the bottom there is a milky clay.

A prediction of a new and as yet undiscovered method of utilization of Nature's resources, producing powerful actinic properties, and also the mining of radioactive elements, and the development of water pollution by industrial waste disposal.

Ce qui vivra & n'aura aucen sens,
Viendra le fer a mort son artifice,
Autun, Chalons, Langres, & les deux Sens,
La guerre & la glasse fera grand malefice.

That which shall live shall leave no direction,
Its destruction and death will come by stratagem,
Autun, Chalons, Langres, and from both sides,
The war and ice shall do great harm.

A forecast of the use of supersonic weapons, traveling in the near absolute zero temperature above the stratosphere, i.e., satellites armed with nuclear warheads.

Un peu devant que le Soleil sabaconse,
Conflict donne, grand peuple dubieux,
Profligez, port-marin ne fait responce,
Pont & sepulchre en deux estranges lieux.

A little before the sun sets,
A battle shall be given, a great people shall be doubtful,
Of being foiled, the sea port makes no answer,
A bridge and sepulchre shall be in two strange places.

One of the numerous prophecies that refer to the events in the great Armageddon. The second line of the quatrain also forecasts the United States' invasion of Grenada, "A battle shall be given," followed by the condemnation of the United Nations, "a great people shall be doubtful."

Tout aupres d'Auch, de Lectoure & Mirande,
Grande feu du ciel en trous nuits tombera,
Chose adviendra bien stupende & mirande,
Bien peu apres al terre tremblera.

Near Auch, Lectoure, and Mirande,
A great fire shall from the sky for three nights fall,
A thing shall happen stupendous and wonderful,
And shortly after the ground shall quake.

The forecast is of an extra-terrestrial sighting and landing with subsequent benefits to earth people.

Vignt ans du regne de la lune passez,
Sept mil ans autre tiendra sa monarchie,
Quand le soleil prendra ses jours laissez,
Lors accomplit a fine ma Prophecie.

Twenty years of the reign of the moon having passed,
Seven thousand years another shall hold his monarchy,
When the sun shall resume his days past,
Then is fufilled and ends my prophesy.

The end of the world is here explicitly prophesied by Nostradamus. In the year 7000 the Sun will destroy the Earth and again resume its undisputed sway.

Beaucoup, beaucoup avant telles menees,
Ceux d'Orient par la vertu Lunaire,
L'An mil sept cens feront grands emmenees,
Subjugant presque le coin Aquilonaire.

Much, very much before these doings happen,
Those of the East by virtue of the Moon,
In the year 1700, shall carry away great multitudes,
And shall subdue almost the whole northern section.

In the year 2025, by ritual, China, having completed her industrial and economic expansions, will absorb almost the whole of Northern Russia and Scandinavia.

Soubz l'opposite climat Babylonique,
Grande sera de sang effusion,
Que terre & mer, air. ciel sera inique,
Sectes, faim, regnes, pestes, confusion.

In the climate opposite to the Babylonian,
There shall be a great effusion of blood,
So that the land and sea, air and heaven shall seem unjust,
Sects and famine shall rule over plague and confusion.

Cataclysmic destruction, with great loss of life, is promised to the land of the Pacific, far in the East (the anti podes of the Near East of Babylonia). Nostradamus clearly predicts the AIDS virus and the threat of other emerging deadly diseases.

Vous verrez tost & tard faire grand change
Horreurs extresmes & vindications,
Que si la lune conduite par son ange,
Le ciel s'approche des inclinations.

Sooner or later, you shall see great changes,
Extreme horrors and persecutions,
The moon led by her angel,
The heaven draws near its inclination.

This quatrain reflects, as do so many of Nostradamus' prophecies, his repeated prophetical conviction of the great changes to take place in the future, most of which will bring strife among humans and the ultimate destruction of the Earth.

La grande perte las! que feront les lettres
Avant le cicle de laton a parfaict,
Feu, grand deluge, plus par ignares sceptres
Que de long siecle ne se verra refaict.

Alas, what a great loss shall learning suffer
Before the cycle of the moon is accomplished,
By fire, great flood, and ignorant scepters,
More than can be made good again in a long age.

The cycle of the moon shall end when, on the last cataclysmic day, it shall fall on the earth; until then much misery shall happen do to the ignorance of men. Mankind becomes aware of the environmental damage to the planet during the 80's and 90's; however, many scientists announce that it is too late. The rain forests and ozone cannot be repaired.

D'un nom farouche tel profere sera,
Que les trous soeurs auront fato le Nom
Puis grand peuple par langue & fait dira,
Plus que nul autre aura bruit & renom.

By a wild name one shall be called,
So that three sisters shall have the name of Fate
Afterward a great people by tongue and deeds shall say,
He shall have fame and renown more than any other.

Nostradamus very definitely feels that a Messiah will come.

De la sixiesme claire splendeur celeste,
Viendra tonner si fort eu la Bourgongne,
Puis naistra monstre de tres-hydeuse beste,
Mars, Avril, May, Juin grand charpin & rongne.

from the sixth bright celestial splendor,
Shall come very great lightning to Burgundy,
After which shall be born a monster of a most hideous beast,
In March, April, May, and June shall be great quarelling and muttering.

The sixth planet from the Sun, or Saturn, shall shed a clear light on horrific events to occur in the above-named months.

La gent estrange divisera butins
Saturne & Mars son regard furieux,
Horrible estrange aux Toscans & Latins,
Grec qui seront a frapper curieux.

The alien agent shall divide booties,
Saturn and Mars shall have his aspect furious,
Horrid and strange to the Tuscans and Latins,
The Grecians shall be curious to strike.

Extra-terrestrial aliens will land on earth and terrify southern Europe.

Lune obscur cie aux profondes tenebres,
Son frere passe de couleur ferrigine;
Le grand cache long temps soubs les tenebres,
Tiendra fer dans la pluie sanguine.

The moon shall be obscured in the deepest darkness,
Her brother shall pass bing of a ferruginous colour;
The great one long hidden under shadows,
Shall make his iron lukewarm in the bloody rain.

At a time when vision is obscured, the Sun shall take on a tinge of red, or iron rust, and this will be the signal for the great one to rise and whet his sword.

Prophecies translated and interpreted by Henry C. Roberts.
Nostradamus' entire collection of prophecies can be found here