The Prophecies of Nostradamus


Those who read these verses,
let them consider with mature mind,
Let not the profane, vulgar, and
ignorant be attracted to their study.
All Astrologers, Fools, and
Barbarians draw not near,
He who acts otherwise, is cursed
according to rite.

I've decided to include some of Nostradamus' prophecies on my site because I find them very fascinating, and I think they may be something we might want to pay attention to. When interpreted in a certain way, many of his prophecies have proved to be very accurate. I've chosen the prophecies that predict the future (for us), or those that I found interesting. If you'd like to read more about Nostradamus' prophecies, I suggest buying The Complete Prophecies Of Nostradamus, which is where I got the prophecies and interpretations listed below.

Century I

Century II