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My Friend

good-by, one with the dark piercing eyes
I have seen them dance with delight
And flash with anger
I will miss your happy music
And the music from your heart
You will travel to cites afar
Money will come quickly
Life will be fast
Don’t get caught up
In things of yesteryear
Never forget……………
There was a yesterday
Think of the misfortune
It caused you

As you depart
I leave you with this parable
“Dance not
with the lady of the snow
and dare not
to linger on the banks
of the flowing golden river
be tempted not
by the
fair-hair man with the light colored eyes
and gaze not
through the kaleidoscope”

New York and Chicago
Can be unforgiving, relentless cities
I wish only good things for you
My friend
Always let yesterday be your guide
A remembrance of what
Could happen tomorrow

by Jean

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by Granmacoco, Copyright© 2000, 2001
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