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They’re Gone

I sit and gaze across the river, with tears flooding my eyes
Staring at the big gaping wound, billowing dark clouds of smoke
“That is where the twins once stood”, I said

Yesterday, they stood proud, dignified in majestic deportment
It was exalted to be a part of their abounding world
And they privileged so many wonderful beings

Yet, in a merciless twist of fate, they also entombed
As if they were selfish and would not let go
Of what once belonged to them for so long

How could they possibly have known the grief, heartache and despair
That would befall upon so many because of their untimely obliteration
A thundering black death that came from the sky

Plummeting to the streets below ---- paper, flesh, glass and steel
So many innocent soles winged their way to the never-ending
Leaving a nation bewildered, horrified and enraged

It’s hard to believe we will see them no more
Gone, gone forever , never to rise again, only a memory
A skyline changed for ever------ so tragically

By Jean



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