-degree nine-

degree nine

I would have never guessed that I would fall back in love with Toby since I liked Brian. After having my friend Laura inform him that I had a liking to him, and after having heard the answer that he had liked me as a friend, and after having Laura tell me that his answer meant that he'll come around in a couple of weeks... Well, let's just say Brian waited to long to come around, and I was getting the feeling where I didn't admire him anymore. I was also beginning to get the one guilt feeling that I had tried to explain earlier, where that when I stopped liking him so much, I felt bad about it, like I was cheating on him, even though we weren't even going out.

Then the biggest impact of my life hit me on October twenty-first, a Saturday, in the year of two thousand.

I had gotten a call at about three fifteen in the afternoon on Saturday from my boss at Sonic, Rod, and he asked me to go work at the Sonic in Tolleson, about a 5-10 minute drive from my house. It had started to rain that day, and the roads were slick, and I was supposed to be car-hopping. I really didn't want to car-hop in the rain, nor really go to Tolleson and work. He said that Toby and Breanna would be there, in case things were kinda strange cause he said that Tolleson does things differently. After hearing that Toby would be there, I grew a sudden change of heart and readily agreed to Rod's wish. Rod also wanted me to go in about an hour early (four o'clock) even though I was originally going to work at five o'clock because they were really short on labor.

For car-hopping at the Sonic on Indian School, the employees are assigned to a clock-out card to take out orders. I thought I might have needed mine, so I stopped by the Sonic on Indian School while on my way to Tolleson. Rod said I didn't need it, so then I was on my way to Sonic in Tolleson.

I was driving south on 99th Avenue towards Van Buren, the cross streets of the Sonic in Tolleson. I pulled into the left turn lane to turn left because Sonic was down the road. The light turned green, and the truck in front of me waited for oncoming traffic to pass us (they had the green light too), and he made his turn. I yielded to the light, and didn't see any oncoming traffic, so I made my left turn.

Then, all of a sudden, out of NOWHERE, this van comes zooming to my side. I put on my brakes and panicked, then screamed, and the van plowed into my passenger side of the car, pushing it into the middle of the intersection. I got into a car accident! I almost stayed in the middle of the intersection, but figured that wouldn't be the best idea because I would be blocking traffic, so I limped my car over to the right side of the road of where I was supposed to turn.

I was basically in shock. Every thought and no thoughts were zooming everywhere upstairs. I had to talk to someone, so I pulled out my phone and called my mother immediately, and I was sobbing and crying and shaking, and oh it was so bad. My mom had my dad come to me immediately, and the police came shortly. A witness asked if I was alright, and I said I was.

My dad was there shortly, and I stayed in the car and just covered my face and cried and cried. I finally got out after sometime to check the damage of the car.

The front right tire was completely flat, and the whole front passenger side of the car was punched in badly and sort of pushed up. I thought it was going to get totaled because it looked so bad. I started crying at that thought because I had grown to love that car so much, and it was a dream car, a convertible! I was more worried about the car than myself, because I didn't get hurt. I only ended up with a moon-shaped bruise on my left knee. Later learned that it would be easily fixed. The car, I mean.

My dad and I were giving the police a report when I saw a man in a blue shirt and black pants walking towards us. I walked right beside a large, white truck, and I immediately recognized it was Toby, and my heart just did a million jumps. I turned back around and made like I didn't notice him. He came up and walked behind me and said "Hi," and I turned around and said "Oh My God," and just hid my face cause I knew I was gonna cry again. I thought about hugging him, and I came really close to doing so, but I thought it might be awkward so I didn't. He said I didn't have to come to work, and that he could get someone else. I knew they were desperate, and I assured him that I was going to come in because for one reason I needed the money, and the second one was that I was working with him, which doesn't happen all that much anymore. Of course, I didn't tell him that.

After about an hour of investigating and questionning, I was cited with a ticket for failing to yield at a left turn light. They gave me a court date, and I had to pay a five hundred deductible on the car for damages. A tow truck came by later on, and took my car away.

My Dad brought me to work, where Toby and Rod were waiting for me. Rod apologized because he felt like it was his fault cause he sent me over to Tolleson to help out. Toby kept thanking me over and over for coming in because they were desperate.

My crash was the talk of the night. Near the end of the night, unfortunately, Shannon just had to come in. It's a total set-up. Whenever I work with Toby and she doesn't, she always comes in to see him. The last night that I was working, Toby and Shannon weren't, but Toby came in to do some football stuff on the computer at work, and Shannon happened to know he was there. She also had to bring her annoying friend that seems to be in love with Toby as well. She pisses me off, both of them do, but Shannon bothers me the most.

I told my Dad earlier that night that Toby would give me a ride home because it would be late, and I was closing. I was setting myself up to be with Toby more.

I never imagined us being the only ones left at Sonic. I've had this fantasy, that I'm slightly embarrassed to share with anyone, but it has to deal with me and Toby being the only ones left at Sonic. Part of my fantasy had come true.

After Toby finally finished all the computer stuff, we got in his car, and started to drive in the direction towards my house. I told him to turn right at 107th, and he asked if we could stop by the bank first. Well, of course I agreed to that wish. We drove on the highway to Litchfield and dropped off the deposits at the bank. He couldn't fit the envelope into the slip box and first, and then it finally went in.

On the way back to my house, we were listening to the radio, and the Barenaked Ladies song, "Pinch Me," was on.

"Ooh ooh, I like this part." Toby exclaimed, and he adjusted the volume to a loud volume.

"I just made you say underwear." he sang along witht the song, and then laughed, turning the music back down. "I really like that part, it's funny."

We talked about my car crash that happened earlier that day, and his soon to being a firefighter. He wanted to work at the one in Avondale or Goodyear because they have leather Lazy Boys and a big screen TV and a lot of food, so it'd be comfortable for him. I questioned him when he was going to find out if he became one. He said something about being 400 out of 500 people, and that he had to be in the top 100 to be a firefighter, or something. Because of all of that, he said he might not be one, and that he'd REALLY like to be a football coach. I thought that was great.

I told him I wanted to be a tornado chaser, or a broadcast journalist. I told him about my college choices, and even mentioned my website. He asked for it, and I said I'd give it to him.

Then we hit the biggest part of the conversation: boyfriends and girlfriends. I told him how I thought God was sparing me on car accidents, but dealing me bad cards in the guy department, even though I'm not religious.

"Why don't you have a boyfriend?" he asked as we drove down a street to get to my house.

I didn't know what to say, but I wanted to say something that included him. "I don't know. Guys are just...stupid, I guess." Oh man. Did I have to use to word stupid? I blew it. "I mean, I have a lot to offer as a girlfriend and as a friend, but guys just haven't seen that yet, at least the guys here."

"Well, I haven't had a girlfriend in awhile either. It sucks." he said.

Wow, big initiaion. I guess we're both on the same level, then.

I didn't know if he would be working Sunday night at the Sonic on Indian School, but I went in anyway to retrieve this week's schedule. What do you know, he was there. He usually works Sunday nights anyway.

Looking somewhat pretty, I walked in casually, and briefly had a conversation with him, mostly about my car. He asked when it was going to be fixed, and I told him about a week, or that I wasn't sure. He said to give him a call when it was fixed.

Wow! Two initiations in a row! An excuse to call him. He even pointed out his number behind the work schedule. I wrote down my stuff, and before I left, wrote down my website address for him to visit.

It's weird, I'm writing a story about my flirting sessions with him, and it's going to go on my webpage. And he's going to read it. And he's also going to read that it says "The Crosser Crusades." Crosser is his last name. But hey, I'm not ashamed.

That Monday night I had to close, but Toby came by before closing to do his football picks for his team on the Internet. And Shannon just had to be there, but I tried to not let it bother me, especially since she brought her annoying friend that loves Toby and is a total cheesehead around him. I think I might question him about these two later.

Well anyway, he came up to me and, again, asked how my car was doing. All these car questions are little teases he does to me, so I don't take offense into it or anything. I told him it would take about three weeks for five thousand dollars worth of damage. Then he said to give him a call if I ever needed a ride.

Two! Two reasons to call this guy! My life and luck couldn't get better... Could it?

-degree eight-

-degree ten-

-the crosser crusades-

-star side-