-degree eight-

degree eight

Even though Brian had almost completely replaced Toby, I still found time to flirt with Toby in the least bit whenever we did work together.

I wanted to flirt with Brian, I really did. But I didn't know how to approach him. I think one time, he said something about us having sex; he had suggested it. And I flirted back, saying maybe. Yet everytime we did work together (the time dwindled down to almost no working time together), Shannon was working on the same shift. I would be on the second box and doing fountain, she would be on the second box and expediting, and Brian would be making hamburgers or doing the hotdog and chili stuff. Shannon was coming between us.

Eventually, I took the plunge and suggested that I have a party at my house when I had attended a rather boring and stupid party that one of Brian's friends was hosting. I said that my parents would be out of town, and that I could possibly concoct a get-together. Brian said he would talk to me about it later. (Wanna know more about that party? Go here.)

One Saturday night, I was car-hopping, but I didn't have to close, and I got off work at ten o'clock. Ashley called my cell phone, but I didn't hear it, and then she called Sonic. Toby gave me the message, and told me she wanted me to call back, but only when I had the chance.

Around eight o'clock, I called Ashley, and we decided to do something after I got off work. I went home at about ten fifteen, and picked her up at ten thirty. We headed back to Sonic because I wanted a Route 44 Cherry Limeade. I made sure to wear my tank top that shows my entire mid-section, just for Toby. I was such a devil, haha.

We pulled up to the restaurant and parked in the sixth stall. I say Toby talking on the phone outside, and I waved to him.

Ashley and I walked inside towards the fountain and made our drinks. She poured some orange slush base and Sprite into her's, making it a Slice kind of drink. I of course, made my Cherry Limeade. This time I put extra cherries in it, about ten of fifteen of them.

Cherries had been my new-found weapon in flirting. I remember taking my friend Angela and her friend Jennie to Sonic during our early release Wednesday afternoon. I got a chicken strip snack, Jennie got a Coconut Cream Pie shake, and Angela got a Bacon Cheddar Toaster and a Route 44 Cherry Limeade. She didn't want her cherry, but she asked the dirty guys who pulled up to the Sonic if they wanted it. The driver said he did, and she walked to him and handed it to him. Then he said she had to feed it to him. Angela was completely grossed out, but in return, they bought the three of us Hot Fudge Cake Sundaes. Those came with cherries too, and Jennie and I gave Angela our cherries, and of course, she fed them to those dirty guys.

Then one day, I was coming back from the mall, and I bought a Cherry Limeade. Personally, I didn't like cherries, but I brought my drink home and went into my bathroom to see if I could pull the cherry off of it's stem with my teeth, and do it seductively. I had succeeded, and then I tried to tie the stem in a knot with my tongue. I did it for the first time! I then found my new knowledge of just how sexy the fruit of a cherry was.

Anyways, I started to dump a lot of cherries into my cup, when Ashley said, "Toby is staring at you."

Once she said that, I was in shock and excite. I nonchalantly looked up at her and asked, "Is he? Why?" I put more cherries in my cup.

"Cause you're putting a lot of cherries in your drink." she said.

I wanted desperately to turn to my left so I could see if he really was staring at me. I did turn, and I saw him looking at me. Now's the time to do your cherry seducing, I thought, and took a cherry out of my cup. I brought it to my mouth whilst staring at him with a sexy glare, and took the fruit between my teeth, teasing it with my tongue first. I then bit it off, and chewed it up, and swallowed, then I smile broke into my lips, and I giggled. Toby gave me this surprised look, and turned back around. He was outside and still on the phone.

Then Ashley and I left Sonic, and we started to drive around the premesis, when I saw Toby near the back, still on the phone. I slowed down and rolled down my window, and yelled, "Bye sexy boy!" I felt so silly, yet it was fun, because I hot for him at that moment, or something.

-degree seven-

-degree nine-

-the crosser crusades-

-star side-