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Welcome to DeLorean2k



Site Info
My Bio

Image Gallery
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The Exterior
The Interior
The Engine

John DeLorean
Family Photos
The Legend

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All DeLorean Links

Locating your DMC
The Love Test
License Plates
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About DeLorean2k:

Welcome to the website, Your Home for DeLorean Information on the Net.  This web site was started in the summer of the year 2000, as a "test site", since it was one of my first websites. It was not designed as an informational site as well as a bookmark for everything DeLorean.  This was my first website I have ever designed, and as mentioned above, I had no serious intention for this website.  I changed its name from "DMC-World" to "Absolute-DeLorean", and finally stuck with the name "DeLorean2k".  As time went on, this web site moved from being my "test site" to a popular website geared toward a source for DeLorean information on the web.  

My primary goal as the webmaster from this point forward, is to make DeLorean2k one of the most informative websites around to all owners and enthusiasts of the DeLorean DMC-12 Automobile. This site currently contains one of the largest DeLorean Photo collections on the net, as well as information of the automobile in detail, and downloads of the past and future of the DeLorean Car.

I thank all visitors, especially first timers!  If at any point during your visit you find something you would like to see, or an improvement that could be made, please contact me by visiting the contact page.

DeLorean2k will always be searching for ways to better benefit the DeLorean Legend, and the enthusiasts of it.  If you feel you have ideas or services that may benefit this website, please do not hesitate to email me!  It's time now to add a great amount of DeLorean information to your existing knowledge (whatever it may be), by taking a few moments to visit this all new website.  After browsing the site, please be sure to sign the Guestbook!

Thanks for reading about DeLorean2k's history, present, and future.

            -The DeLorean2k webmaster



Disclaimer: The information and pictures contained in this web site were gathered around
the net and any infringement on copyright is not intentional
. For comments and
suggestions, send your e-mail at

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