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Balancing your body mind





and spirit at the speed of light






Up Acu light Perlux Pen Violet Blue Turquoise Green Yellow Orange Red Mind Soul Spirit Colors Grey Field Color Sound Therapies





Blue is the color of peace and affinity.  It is regarded as being cold, and has a relaxing effect.  Blue is the color of the pituitary gland and the endocrine system.  All diseases involving heat require treatment with blue light.  This color is also indicated for complaints involving suppuration, pain, plethora and congestion.  Blue has an excellent effect on hemorrhoids.  Warts disappear under the effect of radiation with blue light and it is indicated for the treatment of strumata, certain heart diseases, sleeplessness and hemorrhages.  Blue affects the testes and is indicated for impotence, fragility and menopause.  Blue regulates the contraction of the muscles, ligaments and tissue.  Hyperactive children should do their homework under this light.  This color promotes quietness and reserve.

Complimentary Color is Orange







Cold Color, has a relaxing effect, used for all diseases involving heat


Pain, Congestion, Hemorrhoids, warts, sleeplessness, impotence, frigidity, menopausal difficulties


Pituitary gland, endocrine system, contraction of muscles, ligaments and tissues


Quiets mental Chatter, Strength that is created out of being calm.




Acu Light Color Therapy

Balancing Your World at the Speed Of Light ©




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Copyright © 2003

The ArtHill
Last modified: 12/18/03


The information and services provided from this site are not meant to replace medical advice or treatments.