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Balancing your body mind





and spirit at the speed of light






Up Acu light Perlux Pen Violet Blue Turquoise Green Yellow Orange Red Mind Soul Spirit Colors Grey Field Color Sound Therapies





Yellow symbolizes the sun standing at its zenith, and is one of the hot colors.  It promotes digestion, strengthens the nerves, stimulates the stomach and has a brightening and cheering effect in general.  It fortifies the endocrine system, makes chronic processes acute and is indicated for diseases of the liver, bladder, kidneys and the stomach.  Yellow promotes learning and comprehension in children and has a favorable influence on the intellect.  All diseases of the digestive tract should be treated with the color yellow.  People who tend to be discontent show a change of facial expression when exposed to yellow light. 

Complimentary Color is Violet







Fortifies the endocrine system, makes chronic processes acute

Diseases of the Digestive track strengthens the nervous  system

Liver, Bladder, Kidneys, stomach 

Intelligence, comprehension, cheerfulness

Acu Light Color Therapy

Balancing Your World at the Speed Of Light ©




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Copyright © 2003

The ArtHill
Last modified: 12/18/03


The information and services provided from this site are not meant to replace medical advice or treatments.