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Balancing your body mind





and spirit at the speed of light






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  Chakra Dream Therapy: Click here for upcoming workshops  

Realization & Materialization


Equanimity & Polarity


Regenerating Fantasy & Fascination


Primary Power & Self-Assuredness


Vitality of Life


To Form & to Thrive


Change – To Have & to Be


New Orientation – The Way & the Goal



Harmony – The Beginning & the Completion




Chakra Clearing


Meridian Toning


Chakra Dream Zone Therapy


Perception & Evolution


Divinity Awakening



Without information, this dimension and therefore man/woman could not exist.  So first, one should investigate information.  Frederick Vester answers this question in the following way:  “Information is an entity unto itself, and is neither identical to energy, nor to matter.  It is therefore not subject to space or time.  It can use matter and energy as a carrier, but always obeys its own laws.  It can multiply itself and thereby set gigantic forces and energies in motion, without being energy itself.”  Therefore, information is part of all living systems.  Vester continues, “That which turns dead matter into living matter is the information that expresses itself in its structure, and not the matter itself.”  Information content can be compared to computer software.  This software cannot function without hardware, and vice-versa.  Therefore, the result of this software-hardware symbiosis is considered to be an open cybernetic system in which overriding stipulation leads to subordinate responses. 

Professor Rothschild and his theory of the brain layers:  He says that among each other, the individual layers exchange messages in the form of dream pictures.  The pressure coming from below must be released.  Things which are blocked cannot flow.  When the inner pressure is released and this happens through our dreams, brain passages are freed for the flow of overriding information.  If we continue dreaming, our own life information will be revealed, by and by, to our waking consciousness.  In other words, it will come into contact with its own program. 

Chakra Dream Therapy helps one to access this overriding information and apply its unique and individual insights in ones own life.  After a certain time on his/her own and without pressure, he/she will embark on his/her own individual path and will suddenly come in contact with certain exercises that will make him/her increasingly free, and therefore happy.  He/she will suddenly start perceiving more than his/her fellow man and woman, because the information flow that has been freed allows him sudden contact with his/her chakras.  All of this happens without stress or tiring effort.  Then without knowing why, he/she will suddenly come into contact with people and with literature that can help him/her further on his/her path toward themselves.

This procedure will soon help a person to contact his/her higher consciousness and to live a freer, healthier, and happier life.  The reason is that one comes into contact with the program governing this incarnation and therefore gains access to the information I attribute exclusively to the chakras.   

These are zones or areas of skin which are treated with color and EsogeticTM essential oil to activate your dreams. Dreaming helps to clear the person of mental garbage and thus free the channels of the brain for the flow of overriding information.   Via the dream zones, people gain access to their higher selves and information about their life program.






16 day Chakra Dream Therapy Workshop
Price: $1600


Meridian Therapies

Acu-Light treatments used to balance energy flow in each of the energy meridians of the body also particularly address the unconscious emotional burdens and psychic issues which affect these meridians.


Transmitter Relay Bio-System

Mandel believes that each person comes into this life with all the information he or she needs to fully manifest their potential as individuals.  Through careful application of light to  special points on the skin, we can get in touch with the inner wisdom and insight we need to become all that we are meant to be. As we begin to move through our true life paths, our physical health improves.



Evaluation and Prep Treatment $225/2hr

(Required for initial visit)


Single Sessions $100/hr


Luminance Plans

Must be used within three months of purchase. 

3 Sessions at $95/hr = $285 you save $15



6 Sessions at $90/hr = $540 you save $60


12 Sessions at $85/hr = $1,020 you save $180


Prime Radiance Plans

Must be used within six months of purchase.

24 Sessions at $82/hr = $1,968 you save  $432


48 Sessions at $80/hr = $3,840 you save  $960


Aurora Focus Plan

Must be used within one year of purchase.

96 Sessions $75/hr = $7,200 you save $2,400



Acu Light Color Therapy

Balancing Your World at the Speed Of Light ©




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Copyright © 2003

The ArtHill
Last modified: 12/18/03


The information and services provided from this site are not meant to replace medical advice or treatments.