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Balancing your body mind





and spirit at the speed of light






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    Acu Light Testimonials  

Tobacco Addiction:


“I don’t know what to say.  I had a nicotine addiction for over 20 years and began to see it as just part of my life.  So when it was mentioned to me that working with Omarian’s techniques would rid me of the craving, I was skeptical to say the least.  I mean, c’mon, it had been over 20 years.  This was a deeply ingrained habit that surely just placing a light wand in a few spots was not going to take care of.  However, I agreed and prepared for the worst.  I heard about the anxiety that would come, the irritable moods, and the craving being almost insurmountable; and, of course, the dreaded weight gain.  But within only a couple of treatments, I began to lose the craving that I had had for over 20 years.  It’s almost kind of weird.  It just went away – no drama, no anxiety, and no discomfort.  The craving just left.  Not to mention other areas of my life started to REALLY take off.  Now I’m on my way to kicking my nicotine habit and living a fuller, more satisfying life.  Thanks, Omarian.  You are AMAZING!”


-- Kurt E.

Personal Trainer

Marina del Rey, CA



Emotional Therapy Experience:


“My experience has been incredible.  From the moment I experienced (Acu Light), my body had immediate resonating effects, awakening parts of me that felt dead, and having these parts come alive even after the first session.  It’s been pretty profound in accelerating my emotional release process.  I think what I’ve learned through you most is really how to nurture myself -- instead of what I do now, which is going out and finding the next best thing, like sake or sugar, to shove all these emotions and feelings that want to come up for expression and attention.  There’s a person, a wounded child in me that needs attention, and she needs to be listened to and heard, and I have been able to give her more of that with Acu Light therapy.  I think I really have tapped into my feminine essence that can guide me through this.  And having that integration between my male and female energies, I feel it in my body and in my life.  It’s been a very enlightening journey.  Since the five-minute brain balance treatment and then coming back to you for more -- and I know there’s a lot more that I want to experience.  I think it’s all very essential to get me back into my spirit and my heart.   And I think that’s what I have intentions for, for myself, on this journey.”


--Elna L.

Massage Therapist

Marina del Rey, CA



Release of  Negative Belief Patterns:


“The experience is not something that I can pinpoint by saying that it creates a certain feeling, but what it does create is -- if I had to describe it to you in a visual picture, it would be that your brain consists of a Braille pad.  And when the light treatments are applied to different points on your body, it actually feels and seems as if those little bumps that actually represent your life -- different times in your life, what’s happened to you, and who you are -- kind of get washed away like ocean waves wash away sand.”


-- Hope Z.

Hair Stylist

Marina del Rey, CA









Acu Light Color Therapy

Balancing Your World at the Speed Of Light ©




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Copyright © 2003

The ArtHill
Last modified: 12/18/03


The information and services provided from this site are not meant to replace medical advice or treatments.