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Balancing your body mind





and spirit at the speed of light






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  Emotional Clarity  
  Emotional Awareness

Relationship Issues

Enhance Creativity

Phobias & Fears

Emotional Eating Patterns
Conflict & Anger Resolution



Addictions & Compulsions

Nightmares & Sleep Disturbances


Conflict Resolution Therapy:   Package plans Available

Mandel has found that many times, illness is related to unresolved emotional conflicts from the past.  These conflicts, buried deep in our unconscious, can eventually disturb our energy system, which in turn affects the body.  Conflict resolution therapy brings these conflicts more into consciousness, so they can be released or resolved without impacting the energetic health of ones own body.




What Are the Symptoms of Depression?

These are some of the signs and symptoms of depression that you should be aware of:

  •  Sadness

  •  Loss of energy

  •  Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness

  •  Loss of enjoyment from things that were once pleasurable

  •  Difficulty concentrating

  •  Difficulty making decisions

  •  Increased need for sleep

  •  Insomnia or excessive sleep

  •  Unexplained aches and pains

  •  Stomachache and digestive problems

  •  Decreased sex drive

  •  Sexual problems

  •  Headaches

  •  A change in appetite causing weight loss or gain

  •  Thoughts of death or suicide






Evaluation and Prep Treatment $225/2hr

(Required for initial visit)


Single Sessions $100/hr


Luminance Plans

Must be used within three months of purchase. 

3 Sessions at $95/hr = $285 you save $15



6 Sessions at $90/hr = $540 you save $60


12 Sessions at $85/hr = $1,020 you save $180


Prime Radiance Plans

Must be used within six months of purchase.

24 Sessions at $82/hr = $1,968 you save  $432


48 Sessions at $80/hr = $3,840 you save  $960


Aurora Focus Plan

Must be used within one year of purchase.

96 Sessions $75/hr = $7,200 you save $2,400


Acu Light Color Therapy

Balancing Your World at the Speed Of Light ©




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Copyright © 2003

The ArtHill
Last modified: 12/18/03


The information and services provided from this site are not meant to replace medical advice or treatments.