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History of Acu Light 


"(Acu Light Therapy) was originally founded and is still being developed by Dr. Peter Mandel, a German naturopathic, chiropractic physician and acupuncturist. Mandel's Institute for Esogetic Medicine (Mandel Institut Fur Esogetische Medizin) is located in Bruchsal, Germany, where he maintains an extensive practice and engages in ongoing research and international training activities.


"Mandel's initial step in the development of Acu Light began when he acquired a Kirlian camera in the early 1970's. He began taking black and white photos of the energetic patterns of the fingers and toes, and wondered if the rays of light energy that emanated from the skin in the photos might have something to do with the acupuncture meridians. After extensive observations with hundreds of patients, Mandel confirmed his hypothesis and developed a method of reading specific energy imbalances with Kirlian photography.


"Mandel also had a fascination with color and light.  He was aware that Chinese and Russian scientists had demonstrated that the acupuncture meridians transmitted light.  At the same time, Mandel was influenced by the work of Dr. Fritz Albert Popp, a German biophysicist, who made great contributions to the world's understanding of how human cells communicate.  Simply put, Dr. Popp's experiments demonstrated that all cells communicate by light within the spectrum of visible light and microwave energy.  All cells constantly emit and absorb small packets of electromagnetic radiation or light called biophotons.  A normal cell emits light at the intensity of one candlepower, defined as a light of one candle, seen at a distance of 25 km.  Dr. Popp described the constant level of light radiation moving gently around the body (similar to the esoteric description of the auric field).  Furthermore, when a cell becomes disturbed in some way, the light vibration around that cell becomes disharmonious.  The disharmonious light is thought to detrimentally influence the vibrational patterns of neighboring cells. 

"After the observation of thousands of Kirlian photographs, Mandel postulated that if organisms emit light via the acupuncture points, then it is likely that the same points may be the doors through which organisms most effectively absorb light.  He also hypothesized that vibrational imbalances seen as increased light emissions in cells could be brought into balance by the application of light in complementary or balancing colors at the appropriate acupuncture points.


"For 16 years Mandel has pioneered a systematic set of Acu Light treatments in which different colors of light are applied to specific points depending upon the exact state of energy imbalance.  


"(Acu Light therapy) uses seven basic colors to add or decrease energy in the Meridian system.  Generally, the warm colors red, orange, and yellow add energy, or stimulate, while the cool colors, green, blue, and violet decrease (sedate) the life energy.  Each color is associated with a particular wavelength and photon intensity.  The longer wavelengths, such as the light from the red end of the spectrum, have the lowest photon frequency, but the highest intensity.  While violet's shorter wavelengths have higher photon frequencies, they have a lower intensity and are more subtle. 


"One of the secrets lies in the physics of cellular communication.  Dr.  Fritz Albert Popp, the 'father of the Biophoton theory,' discovered that normal living cells emit a regular stream of photons, or quanta of light radiation -- and In his book: "Biologie des lichts" (Biology of Light), he documents evidence to prove that living cells pass on biological intimation through photons, through the language of light.


"One of the first to point toward light as the language of cellular communication was the Russian biologist Alexander G. Gurwitsch, back in 1922.  Just as the flame of a candle is able to jump from a lighted candle to ignite the wick of an unlit one, Gurwitsch observed that the cells of an onion stalk began the process of mitosis, the division into new cells, as soon as they were approached by the roots of another onion. 


Alexander G. Gurwitsch


"At the time, the popular theory was that the rate regulation of cell growth was the responsibility of chemical messenger molecules -- but Gurwitsch was convinced the “messenger” was actually light, in the form of a low-level luminescence he detected in living tissues.  To demonstrate his hypothesis and avoid any possibility of the onions physically touching, Gurwitsch separated them by glass.  With ordinary window glass, nothing happened; but with quartz glass, which allows ultraviolet radiation to pass through it, the process of cell division in the second onion was stimulated.  In other words, the message of growth was transmitted. 

"In his book, Dr. Popp reports on the work of three other Soviet scientists -- S. Stschurin,  V. .P Kaznacheev and L. Michailova -- who showed in more than 5,000 experiments conducted 50 years later that light is, indeed, the carrier of biological information. 

"In one definitive experiment, living cells in a nutrient solution were placed in two hermetically sealed quartz glass containers with the side of one jar just touching the side of the other.  The cells in one container were infected with a virus and, almost simultaneously, the cells in the neighboring vessel became sick as well.  The fascinating thing is that the virus itself was not transmitted; the infected cells simply broadcast the information that they were ill.  These experiments point to two conclusions: one, cells communicate bio-information; and two, they do so via the medium of light.  And what is light?  Light is a combination of the colors of the rainbow, of the spectrum from red to violet -- and mankind has known for thousands of years that each color bears a specific relationship to our health and well-being."

By Jack Allanach



Acu Light Color Therapy

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Last modified: 12/18/03


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