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What Is Acu Light Color Therapy?

Acu Light is a dynamic new healing system, merging Eastern medicine with Western quantum physics. This cutting-edge system relies on colored light, recently discovered to be the body’s own cellular communication system.  Further, this system not only supports physical well-being, but can also become an invaluable tool for expanding soul awareness of who we are and why we’re here.  By releasing unconscious physical and emotional blockages, Acu Light can help us change negative perceptions, feel more in sync with ourselves and our environment, and move more easy toward the blossoming of our potential while gently unwinding and releasing the traumas, emotional scars, and negative beliefs that stand in our way.

How Does it Work?

While other methods of color therapy use the eyes and large areas of the skin as entry points for light, Acu Light uses points on the skin’s surface to transmit biophotons (particles of light) through the body’s own photon grid system.  Using colored quartz glass tips, rapid yet gentle light impulses impart healing information to the body, mind, psyche, emotions and soul.  Acu Light recognizes that a harmonious flow of energy through the body will support good health and optimum well-being.  Acu Light can be used to balance a wide range of conditions, such as weight loss, stress, allergies, PMS, MS, arthritis, back pain, sleep disorders, hormonal disorders, migraines, and quitting smoking, as well as emotional issues like anxiety and depression, to name just a few.  In addition, Acu Light is a powerful tool that can help you enhance soul awareness by meridian and chakra clearing and activation. Acu Light can also be used to optimize athletic performance and abilities to reach and sustain your fitness goals.   Acu Light therapy sessions are customized to your individual needs, offering you a unique and powerful dimension of healing.



Acu Light Color Therapy

Balancing Your World at the Speed Of Light ©




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The ArtHill
Last modified: 12/18/03


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