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   Firewalls  :  A name used in networking for a device which inspects incoming packets  and applies rules to either allow them to the protected inside network or reject them.  The Firewalls use one or more of three methods to control traffic flowing in and out of the network:
  • Packet filtering - Packets (small chunks of data) are analyzed against a set of filters (rules). Packets that make it through the filters are sent to the requesting system and  others are discarded.
  • Proxy service - Information from the Internet is retrieved by the firewall its destination IP is changed and then sent to the requesting system and vice versa.
  • Stateful inspection - A newer method that doesn't examine the contents of each packet but instead compares certain key parts of the packet to a database of trusted information (signatures). Information traveling from inside the firewall to the outside is monitored for specific defining characteristics, then incoming information is compared to these characteristics. If the comparison yields a reasonable match, the information is allowed through. Otherwise it is discarded.

What is a Firewall?

A firewall is a system or group of systems that enforces an access control policy between two networks.  The firewall can be thought of as a pair of mechanisms: one which exists to block traffic, and the other which exists to permit traffic. Some firewalls place a greater emphasis on blocking traffic, while others emphasize permitting traffic. Probably the most important thing to recognize about a firewall is that it implements an access control policy. If you don't have a good idea what kind of access you want to permit or deny, or you simply permit someone or some product to configure a firewall based on what they or it think it should do, then they are making policy for your organization as a whole.

There are Software Firewalls for personnel use, they cost less as compared to Hardware Firewalls which are made to run with networks. We recommend using a hardware firewall. Most of the Combo units sold as router/switch/firewall are not good enough to offer protection. Similarly a router using NAT is not a good firewall. Firewall should use at least Packet Filtering/ Stateful inspection with Proxy services.

So those of you using NAT need to purchase a better firewall or use a software firewall. We have tested many software firewalls not only do they stop incoming packets but also stop outgoing ones. So are essentially dual functioning. Hardware firewalls will allow all outgoing activity. Acting like a one way door. We would use these software installs on secure Bank, Company, Hospital servers as additional security.  

Test your firewall here.   

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Firewalls are designed to protect you from outside attempts to access your computer, either for the purpose of eavesdropping on your activities, stealing data, sabotage, or using your machine as a means to launch an attack on a third party. The vast majority of firewalls can't protect you from virus attack.

Basically, the way a firewall works is that it sits between your cable or DSL modem and your computer and watches the network traffic going in and out of it. The ports represent "channels" carrying various types of traffic like Web traffic (port 80), e-mail (25 and 110), and DNS (which resolves URLs53). Firewalls monitor network conversations and filter out unauthorized traffic and traffic that exhibits certain suspicious behavior or characteristics.

If you are using a broadband internet connection such as cable or DSL,  It is  recommend that you use  a hardware firewall. They're effective, inexpensive, and easy to configure. A decent hardware firewall can cost as little as $50 and provide excellent protection against common forms of attack. You should check the reviews to find one that is right for you. A firewall is built into almost every router these days - you use a router for sharing Internet access among multiple computers.

A software firewall can be a good choice too, but software firewalls can vary wildly in their capabilities and effectiveness . Software firewalls  give you a more  control over what gets allowed in and out. Use them in addition to a hardware firewall.

One benefit of software firewalls is that they often include additional components that do things like guard your computer against infiltration by Trojan horse programs. (These are programs that are transferred to your computer unbeknownst to you, usually hidden in something like a downloaded file, picture, or e-mail attachment. They sometimes even send information from your computer to somewhere else, so some firewalls check for unwanted outgoing traffic as well.)

What a few simple patches can do?

As hackers  learn new tricks and exploit weaknesses and security holes in operating systems and desktop application, the OS and application vendors continue to issue patches to make you more secure. We help check and update all your PC's to the meet the current highest security standards.

By applying patches  viruses would be unable to run Visual Basic scripts and can be stopped right in their tracks. 

Have can we not see this happen again and again that a virus uses your email to mail itself to your friends. These patches along with a good antiviral software can easily stop it from happening.

What a Firewall cannot do?

 Firewall can't really protect you against  traitors & idiots inside your network. A industrial spy  exports information through your firewall,  telephone, FAX, or floppy . Floppy disks are a far more likely means for information to leak from your organization than a firewall! Firewalls  cannot protect you against stupidity. Users who reveal sensitive information over the telephone are good targets for social engineering; an attacker may be able to break into your network by completely bypassing your firewall, if he can find a "helpful" employee inside who can be fooled into giving access to by opening the electronic door..

We Network Computers and troubleshoot problems

Morrisville     NC                                 
Software firewalls

TINY Firewall                   Nortons Firewall.            MacafeeFirewall.          Blackice      Sygate                    ZoneAlarm                             

Hardware Firewalls              Linksys Firewall                    D-LINK                    Netgear                             SMC                              Hawkins

Firewalls SOHO                  Sonic Wall SOHO                Snap Gear  Pro                  Watch Guard SOHO          Zyxel                                 Zywall Fast               Nexland                  Symmantec Raptor             Cisco PIX 501                     CyberGuard                 

Read our Tests

Outpost Firewall Test                Tiny Firewall2 Test                   Tiny Firewall4 Test

Deerfield Firewall Test

Visnetic Test  VisNet 2

Reseller for Cisco             Reseller for D-link              Reseller for Tiny                 Reseller for Zyxel              Reseller for Zywall              

Reseller Dell

Suppliers for IBM

Suppliers for Microsoft


Net Keys Firewall
- Personal Firewall with DataWall™ file protection
- Anti-virus controls, EmailBombDiffusion™
 On-line privacy for Internet surfing & email
- Ad blocking (popup ads – works for most types of ads)  
- Email security (POP3 + WEB email + attachments)
Anti-SPAM controls filter your email
- Content filtering for WEB pages,
- Parental controls (95% effective at blocking porn)
- Independent settings for each Windows user
User defined WatchWords™ & phrases to filter content.
 InternetPasswordProtection™ stops spyware
- Trojan controls, InternetBombDiffusion™
- InternetCloaking™ and EmailCloaking™
 InternetSecurityScan™ traffic analysis

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