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the official website: news
Last Updated:

  09·18·01   I apologize for the lack of updates lately. Here's a little bit of news for you. Cancerslug are currently working on their new album, Three Days She Bled, Three Days I Bathed, which they are half done. They still need to finish up the mixing and recording and whatnot so expect it to be released soon. It will be available to buy on the site once it's released. But for now you can download three of the upcoming tracks on These aren't the final versions though so keep that in mind. Just a little sample to hold everyone over until the album's finished. Also, as you may have already noticed, the message board is down. I accidently deleted the database. Whoops! Don't fret though. A new one is in the works but it may be a little while before it is up. I'm still having some problems with my home computer so that's why there has been a lack of updates lately. That's about all for now.

  07·31·01   The official Cancerslug chat room is now active. The link to the chat is on the menu to the right under interaction as well as the message board.

  07·29·01   Chat room coming soon. It will be located at #cancerslug on the server for all of you who use IRC. Hopefully we'll get a few more people in there this time then we did before!


  For merchandise, booking, or just to write to the band, send a SASE to:

            227 Church Street
            Decatur, AL 35601

  For questions/comments etc. regarding the site, send all e-mails to:


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e-mail: matthew dismal | about this site