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Thanks To:

  This site wouldn't have been possible and look as nice as it does without the help of a few people and I just thought they deserved some credit for what they've contributed.

In no particular order...

· Alex [Mojo Jo Jo] Story - all the info / news comes straight from Alex.

· Robert Bisi - flash intro, winamp skin, and 99% of the artwork on this page.

· Rune - installation of the new forums and help with setting them up.

· Brandon (aka MizterMonzter) - the screensaver, and help with promoting Cancerslug.

· Arlene Smith - the pictures.

· Adam, DoyeVIRUS, Ashley, Nexus, and everyone else who has helped support the slugs by buying their merchandise and distributing it. Also thanks to everyone who have given me their opinions and offered their help in making this site. Sorry to anyone I missed, if you think you should be listed here contact me and ask me why I forgot ya!

This site was created and is maintained by: Matthew Dismal.

Copyright © 2000 - 2001 Cancerslug All rights reserved.
e-mail: matthew dismal | about this site