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Welcome backstreet boys fanfiction place cool, fanfsiton coming hope like thnks Vera-anne


Moonlight and her friend's having Moonlight one guy from backstreetboys oh thi girl name lima and Derma joulous want backstreebt ther seft make, lie about call Moonlight found boyfriend keep safe.

Nick the conceret

Vera' good friend her's when Nick carter conceret and be other he friend best friend call backstreetboys


Goodbye-coming soon

Host fanfiction bsb

Laura V.C

black blue tour

This is a true story of how a bus full of Backstreet Boys fans won a chance to see the Backstreet Boys in Grand Forks.


Stop Mad the Madness

This script was written, based off Nick's comic Webisodes. (obvious much?:)) I've seen every single one until they took the comic off. About a year ago, I had a dream that four of my friends and I met up with the Backstreet Boys in some hotel. Down in the lobby, a guy paced the floor crying out, "STOP THE MADNESS! STOP THE MADNESS!" (Yes, it's bizarro) Anyway, I was with Nick and we were staring at this guy as if he had lost his mind. Than Kevin walked in and this woman came out of nowhere to seduce him, grabbing his butt and leading him to her room. (I swear it felt like ten minutes) Before she was next, hustling up Brian. The next thing I knew, Nick and the guys had become cartoon and stated, "We have to save the world". I was like, ooooookay... So there you go, my script was born Ny Laura V.C