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There is NO crying in band. There is NO whining in band. There is NO eating, drinking, sleeping, socializing, dating, walking, skipping, jumping, laughing, dancing, suffering, fearing, exuse giving, raining, breaking, working, sighing, peeing, lying, frying, dining, buying, screaming, yelling, stomping, sitting, mocking, sprawling, kissing, licking, burping, spitting, singing, flinging, smiling, driving, prying, pushing, shoving, fighting, breaking or dying in band.

THIS is band. Can YOU handle it??

Our bragging rights

Marching Band Shows

Competition Schedules and scores

Play our Alma Mater!


Our section mascot

Pictures of our Section!!

Some pics of us and our band friends

Funny bando jokes

Inside jokes

Band Members Against Purchase of a Gong

Learn to Play the Mellophone!

Learn to Play the Saxophone!


This Marching Band Web Ring site is owned by the Saxamellos!
Email us here!.

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