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The Band
Thursday - March, 13 125  


 Saturday - March 29, 2003

I hate my butthole of a computer. I just typed out this entire news update but my computer froze. I'll try to type it all out again. Lots of updates. We have 2 shows coming up this weekend. We hope that you guys can show up to either one of the 2 shows, they are both very important to us. if you guys need tickets please email me at we also made our high school's battle of the bands this year. we are very proud, and we get to play with We Were Born With Rocks In Our Hands again. its always an honor.

Another thing is recording. not only have we begun, but we are progressing. we have nostalgic finished except for harmonies, we have the instruments done on TATK minus vocals, and we have drums done on Buried deep. the
unnamed 5 song EP should be out in a few weeks. im planning to have more updates on this site shortly, im trying to get another copy of frontpage so that pete doesnt have to update the site by himself. oh yeah, i just wanna say how much we appreciate everything you've done for us pete. thanks a lot man, we owe you.

Shirts should be available soon. probably not by the shows this weekend, but maybe by the LHS battle on April 4.


 Monday - March 10, 2003

Lots of news for you crazy kids. I woke up to the sweet sound of Nick saying we start recording today. The demo idea was scrapped but we will release an EP instead. It will contain 5 tracks, including an instrumental-ish song.

Heres the tracks (not in order)

Buried Deep
Throw Away the Key

Adam and Tim went in to record the bass and drum tracks on Nostalgic and TATK. Nick was there to help out and I stopped in for a couple of minutes to hear it. It's tight as hell. We'll make sure to have an MP3 off the EP on the website as soon as it's ready. Nick and Angad go in on thursday :-D

We have one show you should all go to. March 30 at Bloomfield Ave Cafe. It's a battle of the bands so we'd love your support. Go. I'm also figuring out if we're playing surf and skate battle on the 29th and I'm talking about a show with Deflatio, The Paragraph and a special guest at the B A cafe.

T-shirts are being made as we speak, huge thanks to Ben Klein for making the design with the band and for being the man.

We're also going to play battle of the bands at livingston high school in early April, come see us. If you've got a show we could play, or you want to buy tickets for the 30th email me ( or IM me if you'd like.

If you want one of the old live mp3's IM me.

We have two new songs. Neither is offically titled but for now they are "Shrimp only swim backwards" and "rage song". Shrimp is funky, rage is heavy (I'm assuming at least, because i was sick when the rest of the band wrote it), they are both mad good. Expect a changup in the setlist next time you see us.

We are so stoked about the EP. It's going to sound great.

Post the message board, no one has in over a month. Thats weak.

I'll fill you in when More news happens

-Zack (from Saved By The Bell)

 Tuesday - February 4, 2003

Hey everyone...i wanna apologize for the lack of updates. Basically its because we haven't had any shows or anything recently. We are trying to get a few shows, in fact we were supposed to have one on February 14 with Avery and Bloom, but it got cancelled. We may have a show late February in the city with Deflatio and the Paragraph. We may also have two shows in march; one being the bloomfield ave battle of the bands, the other being the surf n skate battle of the bands. If we get those shows, hope you all can make it and support us. We've been writing some new songs recently and are going to record an EP very shortly. I know i say that a lot, but i mean it this time.

More pictures from the show with Steel Train should be posted soon, so keep looking for that. A live MP3 of Nostalgic should be posted also, replacing one of our existing live songs. Enjoy!

I'd also like to say goodbye to Penfold, an incredible band from Livingston, NJ that recently broke up. I wish them all the best of luck.


 Monday - January 13, 2003

Hey all. We had our second show last thursday with Last Week and Steel Train. The show went very well and it was great to open for Steel Train. They played very well. Thanks to everyone from Shechter who came to the show, and thanks to everyone from Livingston who came too. All 3 of you. I'm sorry that it was difficult to get in, but you know how the jews can be.

Anyway, we have a few new songs and we are branching out in our style of writing. Its very cool stuff. We are scheduled to record a 3 or 4 song demo very very soon, and it should probably be ready by the end of February
so stay tuned for that.

I would like to congratulate our friends "The Height of Falling." They had their first show on Sunday and although sadly I could not make it, I heard it was excellent.

Lastly, if you people are true Terabithia fans, check out my other project with Matt Diamond called "The Anatomy." Also look for the upcoming "We Were Born With Rocks In Our Hands" demo. Thanks.


 Monday - December 16, 2002

nothing that big has been going on. we've been calling this guy who was supposed to record us, but we can never get in contact with him. he probably lost his phone or something. anyways our writing skills are definitely progressing. we're been writing a few new songs and using more effects, and getting more creative. we have a show on January 9 with the room nine session. it'll be really cool, hopefully we'll have two or three new songs finalized for the show, including a new surprise song *wink wink*. we have live recordings on the site too from our show at the bloomfield cafe. download them and sign the message board. i guess thats about it.



 Sunday - November 24, 2002

So our first show was great. 30 or so people showed up for us and there were some others there and everyone cheered. My microphone wasn't agreeing with me for the first two songs (King of Darkness, nostalgic) and according to Nick his guitar was off a little on The First Piercing Gaze but he's too slick for anyone to notice. Subject to Change was great and so was Rocks (as always). We got a recording of ourselves from the place and we're going to put up an mp3 or two on the site in a few days.

Yesterday Angad, Nick and I decided to bring acoustics on our trip to phili. So we signed up to play for people and 2 hours later we found ourselves playing our second show...(Bridge does PA acoustically). It wasn't a real show but about 30 people came up to see us close up and another 20 or 30 listened from a distance. We did an acoustic version of "The First Piercing Gaze" and "Banana Peel" and also a cover of "Every Shining Time You Arrive" by Sunny Day Real Estate. Awesome crowd.

We are currently working on a few new songs and changing some stuff up so we probably won't be playing another real show until late December but we're getting the demo ready in the meantime.

so until next time.....(sign the message board children).


 Monday - November 11, 2002

Hey kids, We've been very busy. The demo was put on hold but we're still going to do it, "Buried Deep" is complete though, I think you guys will love it. We also finished a song that right now I'm calling "The Excavation" even though that isn't going to be the official title of the song (It's the song nick calls Banana Peel haha). We have our first show at the Bloomfield Ave Cafe in Montclair on Sunday November 17. We're also planning some other shows and may open for a band alot of you may know (it's not official, it's just a possibility, I'll tell you who if we get added to the show) so keep checkin. We have one more song to finish before our show, and all it needs are lyrics, personally it's my favorite song so far. Oh and huge thanks to Ben and Danielle for helping us with T-shirts, they'll probably be ready by the show.


 Sunday - October 20, 2002

Well some good news for everyone. We officially started work on our first demo at a studio. it will be 3 songs and we're really working hard on making it the best quality we can for everyone. We hope you all will aid us in purchasing a will only be 1 dollar. Other than that we think we have 2 shows lined up...but they are both not definite. check it out at the shows section. oh and also a message board is up on the top right hand corner of the screen. please post :). bye bye keep checking back


 Sunday - October 13, 2002

hey everyone. the band is going pretty well and we have a possible show coming up on november 16 at the JCC. im not whether or not We Were Born With Rocks In Our Hands are playing but it would be great if our first show could be with them; they're a band we respect a lot. We currently finished our fourth song minus the lyrics...its temporarily called Banana Peel. Keep checking the site for more details on....stuff.


 Tuesday - September 17, 2002

Sorry everyone for the lack of updates. as you may have noticed the sections on the site are slowly updating. thats pretty much because we've been doing more haha. we've been working pretty hard and writing some new songs but its been kind of hard to practice since school has started. well some news. we figured out how to use adam's 4 track to the best of our ability and we started recording some of our stuff. in a few weeks we are going to put out a 3 song demo so look forward to that. We currently are working on a new song that will be called "buried deep" and another song which has no name yet but we refer to as "chill song." mm...lyrics are up on the site so go check those out. in november we have a possible show coming up, we dont know exactly where or when though. keep checking the site for updates and more info will be up soon.

oh yeah and happy birthday to adam and angad


 Sunday - August 18, 2002

If you haven't noticed we have our links page up and The Band section is up with some of our bios. In other news Angad is back! Fuck yeah! He seems thrilled about the whole band situation as the rest of us are. We should be ready to play shows anywhere from 2-4 weeks. We are working on 3 or 4 more songs right now and the second we have them all down we will be looking to play shows.

Sorry again to Brian.


Hey the band is doing terrific. We are working on a few songs and we have Zack and Adam to please the ladies. Haha thanks to everyone who ever looks at this website. Keep looking for more info, there will probably be a message board up soon along with lyrics to songs and pictures. Gooooodbye.


 Sunday - August 4, 2002

This is the bands first update. This is Zack speaking indiectly thru Nick. In case you don't know Bridge to Terabithia is a kickass band from NJ. You can classify us all you want but we just write music.

We consist of 5 people:
Zack-Vocals (thats me)

Expect to see a bunch of stuff up here in the next few days. Nick is gonna handle most of the website directly but i'm gonna try and write stuff and send it to him cuz i love this shit. I think that if everything goes how its going right now, we should have our first shows in september or october. Right now we are working on a few songs, tossing around some old ideas and thinking up lots of new ideas, but Angad is away for another week or 2 so it's a little more difficult.

I love you
-Brian just kidding, it's Zack

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