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The Band
Thursday - March, 13 125  

 T H E   B A N D

So here I am in a Bridge to Terabithia. It was very unexpected. A year ago I never would have imagined singing in a band with Nick or Tim when I saw them play in Cold Shoulder and then in The Undeclared. I think that the band really traces all the way back to The Undeclared. I'll do the best I can at summarizing how The Bridge came to be:

The Undeclared consisted of Nick and Tim along with Alex and a drummer who was either Chris or Joe (both friends who were just filling in for the time being). Meanwhile Zack was singing for a band with his friends Max and Steve which he realized wasn't going anywhere. The Undeclared broke up for personal reasons and Nick decided to split into a band with Zack and Alex and a band with Tim, Angad, and temporarily Chris (Bridge). The other band talked to Adam (who was working at a camp with all of Nick Alex and Zack) and he was glad to play with the band so we arranged it. More personal issues arose and the band broke up. Realizing that Zack was friends with all of Bridge and that a permanent drummer was in need, Adam and Zack were recruited into Bridge to Terabithia. The band now stands as Tim, Nick, Adam, Angad and Zack. The band works very well together and have high hopes for the future.

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