Are schools teaching enough in the area of sex education?
Unwanted Pregnancy;
Wanted Child
   Several years ago, my
wife and were in Victoria General Hospital in Victoria, B.C.,
Canada, and saw the patient waiting room of the abortion clinic.
In this room were 11 girls. Two looked old enough to make their
own decision, the others were definately under 18. 3 girls were
there in support of their friends that leaves 6 under the age of
18, two of which had their mothers with them. How many girls had
already been processed; how many will come later? I do not know.
But here were 4 girls, in their teens, children, alone to make a
life and death decision which likely will effect them for the
rest of their lives.    Did their parents even
know of the trauma that their daughters were going through? Were
the girls too afraid to even approach their parents on this
issue? Were some of them co-erced into having an abortion? By
their parents? By their 'lover'? By their freinds? Were they able
to get adequate counceling Due to the time restraints of being
pregnant? For what reason they were facing this day alone, surely
needs to be addressed.    The most important
question is,'how did they arrive at the decission that an
abortion was their best alternative?'.    I realize that not all
pregnancies are 'planned', but all babies are in God's plan,
whether they were planned for or not.    Not all pregnancies are
'wanted', but all children are wanted and loved by God.    All parents want the
best for their children, then how can prenatal death be in the
child's best interest?    Motherhood is the most
important role in a woman's life. It is ordained by God.    Fatherhood is the
defining quality of being a man. It proves a man's character.
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