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You don't have to have seen Slayers to enjoy these stories! But here's some info you might find helpful in case you have no clue what's going on, or you just want to know exactly what I did to combine two different sets of characters/settings.


Setting: The stories are set in the distant past; in other words, the fantasy world of Slayers. So no cars, phones, etc. You get the idea.

Magic/Pokémon: Pokémon are basically just like normal - free-roaming monsters that can be caught. But that's where the similarity ends. Monsters here are captured by people called Summoners, who can then call them up whenever they wish. Monster Orbs, which appear identical to Pokéballs, are used to capture them. When a Monster is captured by a Summoner, it appears to become more ethereal - it's body is no longer a solid form, and it seems to float above the Summoner when it is called up. But the attacks are just the same and just as effective. Battling with captured Monsters is not as big a deal as it is in Pokémon, but there are times when Summoners compete with each other. Monsters can be tamed and kept on farms or as pets, but only Summoners use Monster Orbs to control them. Please note: Pokémon will be referred to as "Monsters" in the stories.


Jessie Inverse: Jessie is perfect to be Lina! They've both got red hair and quite an attitude (leaving aside the body differences). ^_^ Jessie is a thief as well as a Summoner who is traveling around in search of adventure in general. She is quite proud of her negative image and enjoys taking advantage of people. Think "Lina" with a "Jessie" view of life. She's not completely heartless, however, no matter what she might think. In these stories, she is 16 years old.

James Gabriev: James makes a good combination of Gourry and Amelia. I suppose you could say he has the brains of Gourry, the energy of Amelia, and his own personality. He can be slow at times, but he is an excellent swordsman, although a bit clumsy when he's not wielding a sword. James has a Summon Sword in his possession, which only increases his abilities (see below for more on the sword). James meets up with Jessie in episode 1, and they'll get along well together for the most part... Except when they're disagreeing. He is 17 in these stories.

Meowth: Meowth will fill Zelgadis' role. When he was a young Meowth, an old woman was experimenting on combining Monsters, and as a result, he is now part Meowth, part Golem, and the strange side effect was that he can now speak human language. In appearance, he'll look basically like a Meowth, but with patches of rock, similar to Zelgadis, covering his body. A very serious and thoughtful Monster now, his main goal is to find a way to change his body back to normal, although it is highly doubtful there even is a way. Meowth has also managed to become a successful Summoner on his own, which seems a little strange since he is a Monster himself. Jessie and James will meet up with Meowth in Episode 2.

Other Stuff

Summon Swords: There aren't more than three of these swords in the world, and James has one that was passed down to him through his family (or was it?). These swords are unique in that once they come in contact with a Monster, the particular trait of the Monster (for example: fire, water, plant, etc.) is absorbed into the sword. A symbol appears along the blade once a magic type is absorbed, and then when the sword is used, touching a certain symbol will allow that type of magic to be used when the sword is swung (like fireballs, blasts of water/ice, and so on). I came up with these swords basically to take the place of the "Sword of Light" idea, and I also thought that having more than just one would make it more interesting. ^_^

A Note On Language: Please note that there will probably be a lot more swearing in these stories than my previous fics. It's not any more than there is in Slayers really, but I just thought I'd warn the easily offended. Most of the stories will be in the "PG" category, unless I decide to get violent in some of them. But for the most part, I want them to be comedies and just a lot of fun to read, so I really hope you enjoy them. ^_^

So what are you waiting for?

On to Episode One!

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