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Cori-chan's Fiction

Each Other

My first attempt at fanfiction. Jessie and James end up alone on an unexpected "vacation"... gee, I wonder what happens... :p

Part One | Part Two | Part Three

A Moment In Time

This is something that started out as just a silly little story and then became a kind of "flashback" experience... I'm kinda fond of this one, even though I wrote it myself...

Part One | Part Two | Part Three


A skit that serves the purpose of introducing my "invented" character Pearl. Also kinda explains the whole "underground lair" thing.


The finally finished (!) story of some of Team Rocket's darker research projects. This goes into detail on some of Pearl's past life, as well as going into James' past quite a bit too. Reading Pearl's profile and the fic "Beginnings" is recommended before you read this one.

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten

After All...

A story about a death among our heroes that leads the ones remaining into a life outside Team Rocket. The idea of writing about day-to-day struggles that anyone might go through intrigued me, so this is the result. Please note, however, that most parts of this series will carry a PG-13 rating due to some slightly more mature content.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten | Part Eleven

Team Rocket/Slayers

My two favorite sets of characters all mixed together... Writing these is pure heaven for me. Hopefully you'll like reading them too. ^_^

Introduction | Episode One - Help! | Episode Two - Mystery Freak? | Episode Three - Predetermined Fate? | Episode Four - You're My Possession | Episode 5 - Twisted History | Episode 6 - The Hunted | Episode 7 - Finders, Keepers... | Episode 8 - Not Just a Dream | Episode 9 - Something in the Air
Minisode #1
Dragon Rage Miniseries: Part 1


What if there was a Pokémon that could help grant a wish of yours? Would you be willing to accept the consequences? Or would you be better off just living your life as it is? Warning: This could end up being my longest series to date. (Not to scare you or nothin'... heh heh)

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12

Where Angels Fear to Tread

This is something I always wanted to see: a fic completely about Jessie and James when they were in the bike gang. There may be others out there that I don't know about, but this is my take on it. It won't be too long, only 3 or 4 parts, trust me. ^_^ Also will occasionally be on the PG-13 side, for those of you who are wondering.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Epilogue

Short Stories

These are everything from skits to monologues that generally take less than 10 minutes to read. Sometimes much less. ^_^ I'm looking for contributions of short stories, so send me anything you got, and I'll more than likely post it.

Going Straight | A Study in Failure | A (Realistic) Team Rocket Love Story | One Of Those Nights | Baby You're a Rich Man | Mistaken Identity | Meowth Cam | Pokémon the Parody 2000: The Power of Three | Pinch Me | Pinch Me - MST3K Version | The Choice | Meowth Cam 2 - Holiday Horror | In Between | What Partners Are For

Dyani's Fiction

Dreaming of You

A really sweet story of how Jessie and James get together, as written by Dyani. If you like short and sweet Rocketshippy stories, then this is for you. ^_^

Dreaming of You

Road Trip

Cute story with each chapter told from a different character's POV about just what the title says: a road trip. I credit myself with getting her to finish it. Thanks, Dyani... ^_^

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four

The Final Battle Saga

Author's description: "Ash, Misty, Brock, Jessi and James are forced to join together in a desperate gamble by a supernatural ally. Will they learn to control their powers in time to save the world from a terrible fate?..." My description: "It's good! Read! ^_^;

Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three


Ooh, I like this story! James tames the savage Victreebel, and we learn a bit of it's past. Very good all around. ^_^


Vanessa's Fiction

Piouso Resurrection

This is a really great, really interesting, (really long ^_^;) fic by Vanessa. It's about a mysterious Pokémon, a new life for James, and... well, I don't want to give it away. ^_^ So go read, you'll enjoy yourself.

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9

Sailor Mercury's Fiction

The Attack of Tentacruel

A super-shippy fic about how a Tentacruel attack makes Jessie and James realize their love... And when I say shippy, I mean SHIPPY. ^_^ So non-shippers won't like it, in other words. But I think it's cute! E-mail Sailor Mercury here and tell her what you think.

The Attack of Tentacruel

Rocket Rose's Fiction

Make it Double!

Author's description: Team Rocket finally captures Pikachu! But will their newfound greed separate the trio of friends?

Make it Double!

Search and Destroy

[Sequel to "Make it Double!"] Author's description: Fed up with Jessie's heartless attitude, James threatens to leave Team Rocket...for good! Will Jess be able to bring herself to hold him back? And will James be able to escape from his past...and his future? Email me with comments!

Search and Destroy
