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          Body image woes linked to abnormal periods

          Chemical malfunction plays role in bulimia

          To eat? Or not to eat?
          -- Eating disorders have been completely outed. Talk shows are populated with former anorexics, magazines routinely run cautionary tales, books offer up every moment of agony.. everyone is coming clean...

          Love your body and feel sexy, too
          -- In general, men's sexuality is not negatively affected if a woman has a little bit of a pot belly, or thick thighs. Most men say their biggest turn-on is a woman's responsiveness in bed, not a particular body part...

          Program addresses struggle with self-mutilation
          -- They are teens who burn themselves with acid, cut themselves, bang their heads against walls or dig pens in their legs...

          Research indicates chemical could be risk factor for bulimia
          -- People who suffer from bulimia may be born with a brain chemistry imbalance that leaves them prone to eating disorders, according to a new study...

          Hurting Yourself
          -- It’s a problem rarely discussed even though millions struggle with it — usually beginning in adolescence. And because no one talks about it, many believe they are suffering alone...

          Online Depression Screening Test
          -- Are You Depressed?

          Web master, heal thyself
          -- BUT IN these early days of online drug sales, the Internet makes it far too easy for people to get medication without a physical examination by a doctor. I learned this lesson again recently when I did a little investigative reporting and used the Web to order a new prescription diet pill designed for obese people...

          When fitness buffs turn fanatic
          -- Sports physiologists have long known that the man who spends too much time in the gym may be suffering from an anorexia-like syndrome or is indulging in some form of escapist behavior. Now they’ve added overtraining to their diagnostic manuals...

          Women robbed of bones, silently
          -- As many as 20 percent of its 28 million victims, 80 percent of whom are women, end up in nursing homes. Fifty thousand Americans die each year from post-fracture complications, according to experts on the disease... (Many people with anorexia and bulimia suffer from osteoporosis so I thought that this would be a good article to include)

          A Very Thin Line
          -- "I think about food and my weight all day long," says Alicia. "Just today I felt like I gained a million pounds. Sometimes in my stomach I can feel it. Bloating from drinking."

          Whose Body is It Anyway?
          -- I would say that this article on EDs is more for people that know psychology or have a deep interest in it.

          USA Gymnastics Online: Technique: Striking the Balance
          -- Very nice article on the correlation between sports and eating disorders. In the beginning talks about Christy Henrich, a gymnast that lost her battle with anorexia.

          Anorexia in elderly
          -- Psychologists at the University of British Columbia have uncovered evidence that fatal cases of anorexia nervosa may strike more older people, and men, than is commonly believed.

          Infection May Cause One Type Of Anorexia
          -- Some cases of anorexia nervosa in youngsters may come on suddenly after a case of "strep" throat or other infection, suggests a study in the August issue of the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

          Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa
          -- Short article covering the basics of anorexia through the characteristics of a sufferer.

          hope for sufferers of eating disorders
          -- Heart breaking story of a mother's daughter battle with anorexia.

          FAQ 6: SPECIFIC QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS on Eating Disorders
          -- Long page with many questions that people have regarding EDs and eating disordered behavior answered.

          Fighting Fat Phobias --
          As good as the title! :)

          Magazine Pictures Depress, Anger Women ~
          And they had to do a report to figure this out?

          Skinny Models Impact Girls' Body Image ~
          Explanation of a study done proving that society does impact young people.

          Bulimia Patients Improve Over Time ~
          Study shows that bulimia sufferers do improve in some way over time.

          Seratonin Drop May Trigger Bulimia ~
          An article on the possibilities of bulimia being triggered from our own chemistry

          The Female Athlete Triad ~
          A good paper to read on the dangerous and life-long consequences caused by amenorrhea.

          Psychiatric Medication for Children ~
          Describes the 3 major categories of psychiatric medication.

          Researcher Says Risk Factors for Anorexia Nervosa Have Genetic Basis ~
          Interesting study on how DNA and twins are in connection with anorexia.

          Trends in Teen Nutrition ~
          How nutrional intake and needs change and possibly become disordered the more teenagers grow up, and shows a discussion with 3 teens and their fears of going to college in connection as to how their eating habits will change.

          Bad Body Image? ~
          Talks about muscle dysmorphia - a disorder where a person has a grossly inaccurate body image causing highly-fit and muscular people to believe that they are too flabby.

          Muscle Dysmorphia ~
          Another article on this new disorder.

          How well are 'cured' anorexia patients? ~
          Short little article that states that weight, menstruation, and psychosocial criteria cannot judge recovery for anorexics.

          Depletion of plamsa tryptophan can be linked as a cause for anorexia ~
          Read this short article for more info.

          Childhood Maltreatment in connection with EDs ~
          Shows how mistreatment as a child can lead to eating disorders, as well as many other problems such as alcohol/drug abuse and more. Pretty long but still a good article to read.

          Bulimia is linked to childhood sexual abuse ~
          Article that explains how girls who were sexually abused as children are at excess vulnerability at developing this disorder.

          Irregular periods in athletes ~
          The dangers of irregular periods which can be caused from an eating disorder.

          Do you need help for an Eating Disorder? ~
          If you think you might have an ED, or know someone who might, this might help to visit.

          Should you go on a diet? ~

          Good article teenagers should read about dieting.

          Good article to read about eating disorders.

          This article is on a young girl who suffered a heart attack which put her in a coma, all from her bulimia.

          Bulimic exercising ~
          An article describing 'Bulimic exercising', which explains how you can be bulimic and not even purge or abuse laxatives.

          Montreux Clinic -
          This is an article on Peggy Claude-Pierre's clinic that is in Canada, and describes her remarkable treatment.

          Despite Image, Most Anorexics Are 45 or Older -
          Article from October of '96 on the statistic that shows almost 4 out of every 5 deaths Anorexia related occurr in those more than 45 years of age.

          The Devil in My Head: An Up-close Look at a Teen's Battle With Anorexia-
          Powerful article on the pains that anorexia causes.

          Holly: A Student's Story of Hope-
          A girl's story on how her fight with an eating disorder lead her to recovery.

          CNN Transcript: Feb. 28th
          This is a transcript off of CNN's web site on a show they did on eating disorders. This one is mainly based on bulimia and binge eating.

          CNN Transcript: March 15th
          Another transcript off of CNN's site, this one is from a show mainly based on anorexia.

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