- Body image
woes linked
to abnormal periods
- Chemical malfunction plays role in bulimia
- To eat? Or not to eat?
- -- Eating disorders have been completely outed. Talk
shows are populated with former anorexics, magazines
routinely run cautionary tales, books offer up every moment of
agony.. everyone is coming clean...
- Love your body and feel sexy, too
- -- In general, men's sexuality is not
negatively affected if a woman has a little bit of a pot belly, or thick thighs.
Most men say their biggest turn-on is a woman's responsiveness in bed, not
a particular body part...
- Program addresses struggle with self-mutilation
- -- They are teens who burn
themselves with acid, cut
themselves, bang their heads
against walls or dig pens in their
- Research indicates chemical could be risk factor for bulimia
- -- People who suffer from bulimia may be born with a
brain chemistry imbalance that leaves them prone to eating disorders,
according to a new study...
- Hurting Yourself
- -- It’s a problem rarely discussed even
though millions struggle with it — usually
beginning in adolescence. And because no one
talks about it, many believe they are suffering
- Online Depression Screening Test
- -- Are You Depressed?
- Web master, heal thyself
- -- BUT IN these early days of online drug sales, the
Internet makes it far too easy for people to get medication
without a physical examination by a doctor. I learned this
lesson again recently when I did a little investigative
reporting and used the Web to order a new prescription
diet pill designed for obese people...
- When fitness
buffs turn fanatic
- -- Sports physiologists have long known that the man who
spends too much time in the gym may be suffering from an
anorexia-like syndrome or is indulging in some form of
escapist behavior. Now they’ve added overtraining to their
diagnostic manuals...
- Women robbed
of bones, silently
- -- As many as 20 percent of its 28 million victims,
80 percent of whom are women, end up in nursing homes.
Fifty thousand Americans die each year from post-fracture
complications, according to experts on the disease... (Many people with anorexia and bulimia suffer from osteoporosis so I thought that this would be a good article to include)
- A Very Thin Line
- -- "I think about food and my weight all day long," says Alicia. "Just today I felt like I gained a million pounds. Sometimes in my stomach I can feel it. Bloating from drinking."
- Whose Body is It Anyway?
- -- I would say that
this article on EDs is more for people that know psychology or have a deep interest in it.
- USA Gymnastics Online: Technique: Striking the Balance
- -- Very nice article on the correlation between sports and eating disorders. In the beginning talks about Christy Henrich, a gymnast that lost her battle with anorexia.
- Anorexia in elderly
- -- Psychologists at the University of British Columbia have uncovered evidence that fatal cases of anorexia nervosa may strike
more older people, and men, than is commonly believed.
- Infection May Cause One Type Of Anorexia
- -- Some cases of anorexia
nervosa in youngsters may come on suddenly after a case of "strep" throat
or other infection, suggests a study in the August issue of the Journal of the
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
- Eating Disorders: Anorexia Nervosa
- -- Short article covering the basics of anorexia through the characteristics of a sufferer.
- hope for sufferers of eating disorders
- -- Heart breaking story of a mother's daughter battle with anorexia.
- -- Long page with many questions that people have regarding EDs and eating disordered behavior answered.
- Fighting Fat Phobias --
- As good as the title! :)
- Magazine Pictures Depress, Anger Women ~
- And they had to do a report to figure this out?
- Skinny Models Impact Girls' Body Image ~
- Explanation of a study done proving that society does impact young people.
- Bulimia Patients Improve Over Time ~
- Study shows that bulimia sufferers do improve in some way over time.
- Seratonin Drop May Trigger Bulimia ~
- An article on the possibilities of bulimia being triggered from our own chemistry
- The Female Athlete Triad ~
- A good paper to read on the dangerous and life-long consequences caused by amenorrhea.
- Psychiatric Medication for Children ~
- Describes the 3 major categories of psychiatric medication.
- Researcher Says Risk Factors for Anorexia Nervosa Have Genetic Basis ~
- Interesting study on how DNA and twins are in connection with anorexia.
- Trends in Teen Nutrition ~
- How nutrional intake and needs change and possibly become disordered the more teenagers grow up, and shows a discussion with 3 teens and their fears of going to college in connection as to how their eating habits will change.
- Bad Body Image? ~
- Talks about muscle dysmorphia - a disorder where a person has a grossly inaccurate body image causing highly-fit and muscular people to believe that they are too flabby.
- Muscle Dysmorphia ~
- Another article on this new disorder.
- How well are 'cured' anorexia patients? ~
- Short little article that states that weight, menstruation, and psychosocial criteria cannot judge recovery for anorexics.
- Depletion of plamsa tryptophan can be linked as a cause for anorexia ~
- Read this short article for more info.
- Childhood Maltreatment in connection with EDs ~
- Shows how mistreatment as a child can lead to eating disorders, as well as many other problems such as alcohol/drug abuse and more. Pretty long but still a good article to read.
- Bulimia is linked to childhood sexual abuse ~
- Article that explains how girls who were sexually abused as children are at excess vulnerability at developing this disorder.
- Irregular periods in athletes ~
- The dangers of irregular periods which can be caused from an eating disorder.
- Do you need help for an Eating Disorder? ~
- If you think you might have an ED, or know someone who might, this might help to visit.
Should you go on a diet? ~
- Good article teenagers should read about dieting.
- ~
- Good article to read about eating disorders.
- ~
- This article is on a young girl who suffered a heart attack which put her in a coma, all from her bulimia.
- Bulimic exercising ~
- An article describing 'Bulimic exercising', which explains how you can be bulimic and not even purge or abuse laxatives.
- Montreux Clinic
- This is an article on Peggy Claude-Pierre's clinic that is in Canada, and describes her remarkable treatment.
- Despite Image, Most Anorexics Are 45 or Older
- Article from October of '96 on the statistic that shows almost 4 out of every 5 deaths Anorexia related occurr in those more than 45 years of age.
- The Devil in My Head: An Up-close Look at a Teen's Battle With Anorexia-
- Powerful article on the pains that anorexia causes.
- Holly: A Student's Story of Hope-
- A girl's story on how her fight with an eating disorder lead her to recovery.
- CNN Transcript: Feb. 28th
- This is a transcript off of CNN's web site on a show they did on eating disorders. This one is mainly based on bulimia and binge eating.
- CNN Transcript: March 15th
- Another transcript off of CNN's site, this one is from a show mainly based on anorexia.