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          My Life As a Male Anorexic
          Author : Michael Krasnow
          It is the autobiographical account of a young man's ongoing struggle with anorexia. Michael Krasnow has had anorexia since 1984, and he chronicles his daily struggles, feelings, and experiences in this book. He writes in a relaxed, easygoing manner that makes the book appealing to all readers. While ignoring statistics and not pretending to be an expert on the disorder, Michael simply tells readers what his life is like and how anorexia has ffected - even controlled - it.

          The Hungry Self : Women, Eating, and Identity
          Author : Kim Chernin
          THE HUNGRY SELF explores the often troubled relationship between mothers and daughters and how daughters of all ages and backgrounds often flee the struggle for identity and self-development into an obsession with food.

          A Hunger So Wide and So Deep : American Women Speak Out on Eating Problems
          Author : Becky W. Thompson
          A readable account based on interviews with 18 white, Latina, and African American women aged 19-46 in which the author found that in one-third to two-thirds of the cases, eating disorders were linked to emotional or, more particularly, sexual abuse. Such women are seeking control over their lives, Thompson argues, and food is the most accessible tool. She also examines the healing process, detailing these women's experiences with Alcoholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous and individual counseling.

          Anorexia Nervosa and Recovery : A Hunger for Meaning (Haworth Women's Studies)
          Author : Karen Way
          Argues that the eating disorder is an addiction--an obsession controlling all aspects of someone's life--and that recovery is possible by finding meaning in life. Based on the personal experiences of 21 women who have gone through the process.

          Never Too Thin
          Author : Eva Szekely

          Owl Was a Baker's Daughter : Obesity, Anorexia Nervosa, and the Repressed Feminine--A Psychological Study
          Author : Marion Woodman
          Eye-opening insights into the body as mirror of the psyche in eating disorders and weight disturbances. Case studies and practical procedures emphasize the integration of body and soul.

          Bulimarexia : The Binge/Purge Cycle
          Author : Marlen Boskind-White, Marlene Boskind-White, William C. White
          Here is basic information about the dynamics of the binge/purge cycle, including socialization and the family, adolescent danger signals, the college years and beyond, bulimarexia and the body, workshops and future prospects. The new edition adds findings about physiological effects, drug therapy, and nutritional counseling.

          Straight Talk About Eating Disorders (Straight Talk Series)
          Author : Michael Maloney, Rachel Kranz

          Eating Our Hearts Out : Personal Accounts of Women's Relationship to Food
          Author : Leslea Newman (Editor)
          The author of Fat Chance and SomeBody to Love: A Guide to Loving the Body You Have presents 92 personal accounts by women of all ages and walks of life, who tell stories of their past and present problems with food, their childhood traumas, how their lives have been affected, and their visions of the future.

          The Long Road Back, A Survivors Guide to Anorexia
          Author : Judy Tam Sargent
          A young woman's harrowing journey through the hell of anorexia and an antiquated health-care system that had much to learn about what is needed for long-lasting and full recovery. BRAVO to this young woman's strength, determination and courage to tell her truth and commitment to help others through the telling of her story. A strong testimonial to the human spirit's ability to heal despite the odds against it.

          Dancing on My Grave : An Autobiography
          Author : Gelsy Kirkland
          The shattering story of a dream which became a heartbreaking nightmare for one of America's most famous ballerinas, Gelsey Kirkland, who chronicles her brilliant start as a dancer with George Balanchine, her legendary partnership with Mikhail Baryshnikov, her agonizing descent into drugs, and her struggles to rise again.

          Inner Hunger : A Young Woman's Struggle Through Anorexia and Bulimia
          Author : Marianne Apostolides
          Cynthia [Nappa] Bitter's revealing biography is the intensely personal story of anorexia nervosa whose eating disorder began when she was fourteen. The obsessive mindset and the horrendous medical complications of bulimia and anorexia lead her to the brink of death before she discovered what it would take to save her life and her sanity.

          Good Enough: When Losing is Winning, Perfection Becomes Obsession, and Thin Enough Can Never Be Achieved
          Author : Cynthia N. Bitter
          "Inner Hunger" combines an honest and nonjudgmental account of my decade-long struggle through anorexia and bulimia with specific, well-researched advice about dealing with an eating disorder.

          The Secret Language Of Eating Disorders
          Author: Peggy Claude Pierre
          Peggy has set up a clinic in Canada to treat Eating Disorder victims after she "cured" her two daughters of anorexia. She talks about how an eating disorder manifests itself and she describes her incredible treatment methods. A VERY good book.
          Published By : Random House 1997

          The Golden Cage
          Author : Helde Bruch, M.D.
          This book gives good insight on anorexia and is very informative. If you are concerned about a friend, loved one, or anyone that might have anorexia, pick up this book. It is also helpfull to anyone that is an actual sufferer themselves.
          Published By : Harvard University Press 1978

          Addiction to Perfection
          Author :Marion Woodman
          Published By : Inner City Books - Toronto , Canada 1989

          The Deadly Diet
          Author : Terence Sand beck, Ph.D
          Excellent book to read if you are planning to recover or are in recovery. The author describes how you can self-help yourself in some parts and then goes on to show you how you and your therapist/counseler can read and do the book together.
          Published By : New Harbinger 1986

          Best Little Girl In The World
          Author : Steven Levenkron
          This is a very good book for fictional reading on anorexia and bulimia. Mr. Levenkron has taken his patient's experiences and has rolled them into one little girl named "Kessa", who gets trapped in the world of anorexia/bulimia and obsessive compulsive disorder when her ballet teacher tells her to lose a few pounds.
          Published By : Contemporary Books 1978

          Wasted : A Memoir Of Anorexia And Bulimia
          Author : Marya Horbacher
          The New York Times Book Review, Caroline Knapp : Wasted is a gritty, unflinching look at eating disorders, and Hornbacher's refusal to tie the story up in a neat packaged labeled "Triumph" or "Recover" speaks to her respect for their insidious power and persistence... at 23, still living in a "state of mutal antagonism" with her illness, can Hornbacher turn her experience into something larger than the sum of its harrowing parts? Wasted is written from the raw, disintegrated center of young pain : there is power in this apporach; there is also limitations. Entertainment Weekly : This is a terrifically well-written book... Her narrative ability is powerfully intact.
          Published By : Harpercollins 1998

          Hunger Point
          Author : Jillian Medoff
          From Booklist : Twenty-seven year old Frannie Hungter is living with her parents, working the late shift as a waitress at a local restaurant. Her overachieving sister has recently been hospitilized with an eating disorder, and Frannie herself is obsessed with food and her fluctuation of weight. When her sister commits suicide, Frannie is shocked out of her lethargy and slowly starts to build a life for herself. If it's possible to carry off a novel on the strength of the heroine's voice alone, then that's precisely what first-novelist Medoff has done...
          Published By : Harpercollins 1997

          Second Star To The Right
          Author : Deborah Hautzig
          This is a great book to read for anyone suffering from an eating disorder. It is a good story on a 14 year old girl's tale of her touching journey through the hells of anorexia.
          Published By : Random House 1988

          Goodbye Paper Doll
          Author : Anne Snyder
          Goodbye Paper Doll brings you to the cutting reality of an eating disorder. It goes through what a girl will do to be accepted in life while describing the slow form of suicde know as anorexia.
          Published By : New American Library 1990

          SomeBody To Love : A Guide To Loving The Body You Have
          Author : Leslea Newman
          Published By : Third Side Pr 1992

          Helping Athletes With Eating Disorders
          Author : Ron A. Thompson, Roberta Trattner Sherman
          This is a very good book for any athlete and coach to read because it goes through what eating disorders are, the connection of sports and eating disorders, the affects of an eating disorder on an athlete's performance, and how a coach or coaches should approach an athlete wtih an ED.
          Published By : Human Kinetics Pub 1992

          Dying To Be Thin : Understand & Defeating Anorexia & Bulimia
          Author : Marc Zimmer, Ira M. Sacker
          Lots of info. in this book about where eating disorder victims can go for help as well as it examines the two disorders known as anorexia and bulimia.
          Published By : Warner Books 1995

          Father Hunger: Fathers, Daughters, and Food
          Author : Margo Maine
          This book is about the void that comes from a fatherless family and how it can trigger a daughter to fill that void with food and bring about other complex emotional issues.
          Published By : Burze Designs & Books 1991

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