Copyright Info The setup and content of this site should be considered the copyrighted property of the author. Nothing can be removed or reproduced without my written permission. Any works on this site not registered with a copyright office are still fully protected, as they are in a tangible form and can be viewed, and therefore copyrighted to the creator. Registration of copyright at a government office is voluntary because protection is automatic. For more information, look here. Also, I'm not responsible for any false information, etc. And now to give credit where credit is due... Thanks to Angelfire for the hosting, Eileen for her help. Inspiration for my format was taken from her page, help for copyright info was taken from tarnish.net. Various other inspirations found a place in my subconscious, and I thank them too. The farthest left picture in the title strip on some pages (like here) is taken by Caitlin.
*also* A note on the title: The title comes from Plato's Symposium of course, me being a big ol' geek, and it deals with ideas of love, which I seem to always be dealing with. But also from Hedwig and the Angry Inch and their use of a story from it in the song "Origin of Love". Because that song kicks ass. Also, the fact that Symposium now generally means a meeting of people to discuss something, which I think fits with what I want, and also that it used to mean drunken party cause that's funny. =)
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