Charles, Nana(w/ cinnamon buns), Kwame, me, Karen, Nora, Ralph, Phil and Danny at the 1999 senior high retreat(March)
Karen and I in old town over the summer
Kathleen, Karen, me and Nora downstairs after church
Me, Nora, Kevin, Karen, Kathleen, Phil, Kwame, Nana, Jack, and a little kid
The girls at Karen's going away party(July 1999)
The guys dancing to YMCA. Hahaha, laugh at them, LAUGH!
Nora, Karen, me, Jack, Kevin and Kathleen saying goodbye to Karen and Kevin the morning they left for Fl. I went over without taking the time to get dressed, so I'm wearing what I slept in. Just an explanation....
All of us crammed onto/around the couch. We fit all the girls on, which is why I'm laying on everyone. BWAHAHA ~October 1999